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What does a Department Préfèt do?

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Yesterday we went to a ceremony in the Dordogne which marked the 75th aniversary of agents & equipment being parachuted into France ... so much bravery recounted and old men remembering those who died in the war. The Préfèt of the Dordogne was there, a smart young woman dressed in an almost military uniform. It got me wondering ... what is the role of the Préfèt? I've googling for information but just getting history but no actual role. Are they more like the 'mayor' of a department or a ceremonial role like a Lord Mayor? Just curious. Thanks in advance for all answers.
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IMHO experience, nectaraine, not a lot!

I wrote two years ago to our Prefecture and still await an answer........

Some years back, I wrote to M. le President Sarkozy, to protest the then plans of introducing a punitive tax on second home owners; as I similarly wrote to Hague the Vague, then Foreign Secretary.

I received a charming personal letter back from Sarkozy's Chef de Cabinet, reasonably quickly; no response whatsoever from the FCO.

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I always looked upon it as them being in charge of security at a local level, and that is why the prefectures are often cibles when the population is disgruntled.

And they seem to interpret the rules as they jolly well please. [Www]

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I was trying to see what formation one needed to become a préfet.

From the biog of a present one, I saw:

Scolarité : Bac S – Lycée Thiers à Marseille

Diplôme : E.N.A. – promotion Michel de L’Hospital

Licence en droit, H.E.C.

So not just one, but TWO "grandes ecoles".

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 LOL nectarine, you have made me smile.

I am at the age where I think just about everyone looks young these days. And that is OK, but my OH, for years has been commenting on people, stating that they look to young to do XY and Z job, he can be a right GOM[Www].

Still I would not swop with the young, I don't mind being old now.

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