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I've been incredibly lucky this year!


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Almost every week I win something.

Only this morning I got a phone call telling me I have won another all expenses paid holiday for two to any county in Europe.

Last week I won 2000€ worth of goods from an online shop.

The problem is, when I start to ask why I keep winning prizes for competitions I haven't entered, the nice ladies hang up.

I don't understand what I am doing to upset them[:(]

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Woke up to around 7 spam emials to delete and block the senders, most of them arnaques, reactivate your bank account etc, have returned to check mails twice this morning and there have been 3 more, on average I am blocking 20-30 senders a day but i am just pi55ing in the ocean as they use multiple E-mail accounts, a lot of the recent ones are 3 random words and .trade, still the same Canadian and even Candian pharmacys trying to sell me viagra, still all the hot women that want to **** but now i am getting lots of senior retirement homes as well!!!


So far this morning 3 scam sales calls which I have blocked, all of them silent, I have to wait for the system to hang up the call in order to block the sender, often it ends with a sugary husky womans voice whispering "Goodbye"!!.


Looking at my Free telephone account I have blocked several thousand numbers now which gives you an idea of the scale of the problem and that is after having to vide the list twice because I had inadvertently blocked genuine callers numbers, friends or family, you can only erase all the numbers in the list not just the one you want to. I will probably Wind up and be winded up by about 15 phone calls today.

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And what about all those well spoken Indian gentlemen with names like Wayne or Terry who used to ring up (not) from Microsoft because they had detected a virus on your computer?


I used to get several a day and now nothing for months, not that I am complaining, could they all have been from one single source or has someone somewhere done something to at least stop that scam, the might of the Microsoft lawyers perhaps?

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For a period of about 3 weeks some obscure department of 'BT' would telephone me sometimes two or three times a day.

I told them it was harassment and I'd report it, ( of course that's useless in reality ) once I got them to give me their telephone number, which did not tally with the 1471 number, but hey, why would scammers tell the truth. Eventually they called twice within the hour. To the second caller I asked if they phoning to apologise, they weren't, so I told them in very unladylike language to desist, and rang off.

Haven't heard a word since.....
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My most persistent email scam is (not) from Free mobile who tells me my bill hasn't been paid and my line will be cut off so click this link to sort it - but I don't have a Free mobile line. They've been sending these emails every month for getting on for a year at least and I keep reporting them as spam but still they come.

And of course every Christmas there are these mythical parcels that they tried to deliver but you were out so... click this link.

As for the landline, ti rings 2 or 3 times a day but I literally never answer it unless I recognise the number. If it's a genuine call they leave a message, and I call them back, but everyone that knows me, knows I don't generally answer the landline so they call the mobile instead (not the Free one that I don't have).

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We are amazed at the number of calls we get in France, far more than in the UK.

Here in the UK our line, which we have had for 5 years, must have been a Mr Bradys line before.We get calls 'can I speak to Mr Brady'. My reply, in a heartbroekn voice is 'he died two days ago'. Get some amazing reactions. Some are suddenly at a loss, some offering profuse apologies and some just ringing off. Those that offer the apologies are the best, especially the females. 'I am just trying to arrange the funeal, sorry, you call is just so upsetting' - great fun :)

As for the Microsoft calls- the normal act a little clueless, string them along for an age and then ask 'can you sort it out even though I am using Linux?'. You can certainly learn some Urdu swear words.
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[quote user="Russethouse"] so I told them in very unladylike language to desist, ..[/quote]

Yowser, yowser.

Russethouse. I would go as far as to kill to listen to you using 'unladylike language'. Can you pm me your number and I'll give you a call.



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The real problem that we're all aware of, is telling the caller (usually 12.00-14.00 or 17.00-19.00 for obvious reasons) to "go forth and multiply" when its actually a genuine caller.

I don't think that I've done it yet, but its only a matter of time.

Happily, the background noise and delays of a Call Centre is never the sound of a genuine caller.
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