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Complete France Forum

Don't move to France...buy some anti snoring headphones instead !

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I came across this site.


You will like this Chancer.

I can't make my mind up about this site but it was a very interesting read. Sour grapes because people did not do their homework properly.

The 2nd comment on 'comments 4' was the best one....Well so far.

The site likes the Complete France Forum (it is in the links section) but the comments are a bit high and mighty.
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Ignored or challenged ?

I have never had a problems in France that I would not have had in the UK. I can understand though how some have ended up in the situations they describe.

I have not seen any comments from people who lived in Paris, Lyon, Grenoble or other mainstream places in France.

There is a trend in those posts and one that I have highlighted on many occasions.

To describe the 'whole' of France in the way that they do is a tad unfair.
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Something I always go out of my way to avoid when I make observations about life here in this small enclave, those who want to be offended will always take it as generalised French bashing though.


I read through someof the postings, some I could identify with, others I know are real enough to the perceptions of those who I have often heard espousing them although the solution, if they wanted one, is often in their hands.


Quite revealing were the many French contributors, those who have left and those who want to, some inside views and some views looking in from the outside.


He is definitely right about the French property exhibitions, the French property sellers, handholders and some forums sponsored by said interests.

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Well this is web site is NOT NEW ALBF!

A couple, who posted on here too, started this web site donkey's years ago and sadly she died of cancer leaving a young family.

And yes, I do believe that their business was anti snoring devices, and why not, people have to earn a living.

I believe that there was a move to another country and eventually to France. 

I must admit that a LOT of what used to be said about NOT moving to France, seemed very good sense to me all those years ago, refreshing, as it was the times where rose coloured specs prevailed.

I would hope that since this web site started some things have improved in France. And that this gentleman and his family is happy and settled where ever he now lives. And I do believe he posts on here from time to time, maybe he will now![:D]

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Chancer wrote:

"He is definitely right about the French property exhibitions, the French property sellers, handholders and some forums sponsored by said interests"

Yes. I see that Brexit threads where people are allowed openly insult each other, threaten each other in a totally undignified way are allow to stand because it provides 'google foder' for the website. If it was about anything else it would get deleted or closed. Of course they are hoping that some unsuspecting folk might land on the site through the Brexit threads and they can try and snare them into buying a house.

The hypocrisy kills me !!!

Disgraceful behaviour. Especially the uncensored 'zero class' Wayne and Waynetta who seem to have a carte blanche to pick on and bully people.
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Did you NOT read my post, ALBF, or just chose to ignore it.

When I opened the link saw things rather more 'rose specs' than awful.

I used to look in on that web site years ago and cannot remember seeing dishonest posting then. I have neither the time or the energy to dig deeper these days, what with being 'old' now.

You do not hesitate to make sweeping generalisations about some parts of France, is that hypocrisy too?

There are regions of France, so beloved by many Brits would not draw me. I have a feeling that my reasons would be vastly different from yours though, from what you have said.
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Sorry, Idun I did see your post.

I had no idea it was such an old website. I just came across it by accident.

I don't think its is about the 'region' itself as different regions attract different people for different reasons. I get that.

As the website and Chancer implies. It is about how the regions are miss-sold. People making money out other peoples naivety if you like. The British selling French property in France...is a disaster !!!. I have yet to see an article, website, programme that tells you the facts. It is all glammed so they can line their pockets. That is where it all goes wrong.

Honesty is the best course of action here.
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Not only websites; ALL TV progs of the life in the sun type are grossly inaccurate, never mention things like charges of co-ownership, always underplay the cost of renovations and adding gites, the weather in winter and a list of ommisions and obfuscations long enough to really enable the advertising authority or some such to suspend these programmes on the basis of intent to deceive.

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I don’t understand the weather in the winter thing. I’ve lived and worked in many places in the UK and mainland Europe and they have all followed the same pattern; warm to hot in the summer and much cooler in the winter. The great thing about my location in France is that we experience much better springs, autumns and winters than I’ve had anywhere else. For someone who spends a lot of time outside that’s win, win, win.

Why stop at housebuying programmes telling lies? Every advert I see these days pushes reality as far as it can.
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I totally agree with the weather thing.

Unless you are talking about extremes like the alpes or wherever, then choosing a location based on weather does not work. Like you said, all places in France are hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

I would say 'seasons' was more of a consideration as some locations in France don't really have the four seasons.

The website in contention would have worked better if it was called the 'pitfalls of moving to France'. Or the reality of moving to France.

Then you can discuss how to overcome or prevent the pitfalls.

It is a bit harsh to call your website 'don't move to France'.

There are too many UK companies and slimy Del boy muppets selling property in France who are only interested in lining their pockets. That is where it goes wrong. Brexit might sort that. LOL.
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The weather is not what I came to live in France for so it doesn't bother me personally.  Anyway, our hot spells are normally short and our winter temperatures are very rarely below 0.  Suits this pair of elderly folk just fine.

But you do hear, from time to time, people on the forum who say things like goodness, didn't realise it would be so cold here in winter or we want to move further south to be warmer.

We saw some houses we really liked in Normandy so we visited in February and it was perishing.  Went back in early May and it was still thick winter coats and streaming noses and eyes weather.

Then we spent a few weeks north of Nantes and south of Redon area and in Mayenne too and the weather was very grey but invariably brightening as we drove south.  However, I would have happily lived in both departments 44 and 45.

I must admit I do like large parts of Brittany, BnB, especially the Morbihan area and indeed I don't mind the northern coastal area too Cote d 'Amor and some bits of Ille et Vilaine.  Decided against in the end because, having last lived in Wales, I definitely did NOT want to be living in the celtic fringes yet again[;-)]

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Weather was not the reason we left the UK. It was not the reason why we chose to live in France, but it is one reason why we would not want to rush back to the UK.

Having lived for many years on the North East coast of England we got tired of 4-6 months of near continuous grey skies.

Here we do of course get grey days, occasionally a grey week, but then glorious blue skies - maybe coupled with very sub-zero temperatures, but that is called winter.
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