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Trumped by Pam Ayres

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At last, we have a cure for all!

Ailments large and ailments small,

Good health is not beyond my reach.

If I inject myself with bleach.

Radiant I'll prance along,

Every trace of lime scale gone,

With disinfectant as my friend,

Like him,

I'm clean round the bend!
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If only Trump knew about Pam Ayres he would make her his chief scientific officer.

Such a shame we will not be hearing anymore pearls of wisdom because he has taken his ball home because the other kids were ganging up on him - diddums.
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Anyone got a dog, well, if you say, 'walkies' they are there, tail wagging, raring and ready to go.

I reckon that Pressy is just the same, someone says tv cameras and he is there, cannot help himself. And would be standing there shuffling and sort of rolling his shoulders, as he always does, and my thought is always, that he is summing up if could just use his bulk to push the person at the podium out  of the way, because the 'only' person who knows everything is him, what with him being a stable genius et al.

One day maybe those extra long ties will come in handy as someone leads him off somewhere far away.

Will he be there, well, maybe a little hiatus, but I don't think he will ever be able to stop himself. AND I hope I am wrong.

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Latest gaffe.....apparently, he has been talking about people getting the Noble prize instead of the Nobel prize, lol!

When this was pointed out to him, he said that he was being sarcastic and did no one understand sarcasm?  Didn't know whether to just laugh or feel extreme pity for him!

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