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More details on the déconfinement

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Two areas that I find difficult to understand. The advice for "footing" is to stay at least 10 meters away from the person jogging in front of you as your droplet infused expelled breath can carry nearly this far (not to mention the ones who spit). However, no mention is made of the distance to be kept from those of us who enjoy a walk and they come sprinting past.

The second is Supermarkets. Even with the current rules, maintaining the distance is impossible as the aisles are too narrow.

Two areas, in my opinion, where the wearing of masks should be obligatory.
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]I don't buy this wearing of mask business.

I am confident with my albeit limited scientific knowledge of such matters that you will not it catch from someone jogging past you.

If he/she collapsed and you gave them mouth to mouth, then perhaps.[/quote]

You don't have to buy it, you just have to do as you're 'king told.

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"I am confident with my albeit limited scientific knowledge of such matters that you will not it catch from someone jogging past you."

I also have very limited scientific knowledge but I must have more imagination than you, because I can imagine a jogger sneezing, I can imagine those droplets circulating in the air for a few seconds, and I can imagine them landing on you if you happen to be very close by. All you need is three elements to come together - a jogger who happens to be infected but asymptomatic, plus pollen in the air to make him sneeze, plus you. The chances are probably against it but it's far from impossible.

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I think you need to be in a very confined space to catch it.

Ephad, metro, bus, office, pub etc etc.

I dunno...I am not wearing a mask. But then again I will not be going to any confined spaces very soon.

Incidentally (if anyone is interested) you can have the antibody test done in France to see if you have caught it. It costs 35 euros.

OH and daughter have been tested this morning. We will know the results in 48 hrs.

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Up until his early to mid 80's my Dad was a distance runner, ran in the Masters races all over the world.

He dripped sweat and spit, beurk! All those body fluids flying around, I would say stay clear at all times, not just now. AND wear a mask.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Don't ever align me with that grotesque orange idiot again.

Enough said.

Back to masks, it is going to save you ?

Frontline health yes. Jogging ???

If you want to go jogging or for a walk, don't go where other people are jogging and walking.

Is that not fecking logical ?[/quote]

You still don't seem to understand.

They're not supposed to save you if you wear them, they are worn to help stop other people getting infected by you.

 Once again:


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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Yes I get that....

But you can only spread it if you have the virus.

But how do you spread it if you have the virus ?

Why have many countries around the world not have had much virus spread and less fatalities ?

There is a missing link here, and it it is not masks.[/quote]

I think you will have to do a little research and study to answer your question.

THIS ARTICLE might be a good start

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Would that I could believe the figures from every country that says that they have few cases and few deaths.

Every country records deaths differently. This is not a level playing field with regards to figures.

I still have not worn a mask whilst out.  I realise that me wearing a mask, is only there to protect others in case I have caught it.

What I would dearly LOVE  is that  test they keep mentioning to see if not only if I have had it, but more importantly, got decent anti bodies. AND my other desire is for a vaccine.

I am not really interested in that tiny window in time where I could get tested and see if I have it or not. If I have had it, so be it, and IF I catch it and am poorly, I am sure I will know about it.

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I don’t think that even numbers of COVID-19 per million or deaths from COVID-19 per million can really be compared. The UK is now including cases and number of deaths at home and in care homes, but who knows exactly what a level playing field would be throughout the world?

Having self-isolated for 7+ weeks and not been at all unwell during that time, my husband and I have’t had it, but we are in ‘at risk’ groups because of our age and health conditions.

It irks me not to be helping others, but the best way forward is to stay at home for as long as it takes.

A friend who is a nurse and who has lost a friend and colleague to COVID 19 says:

“Please everyone stick to the rules ,don’t think it won’t happen to you it could. If not yourself think of others.”

When I do eventually go out, I will be wearing a mask.
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The UK is a very different country to France.

It seems to me that politicians and the public are not taking this seriously in the UK even though they are the second worst hit country in the world.

But hey, you got Brexit. Hail Boris.

The best way forward is to manage your own lives.

For us that is lockdown/minimal contact.

No restaurants, no cinema, no school, no PT, home working, no holidays until this is sorted.

Most around here don't wear masks.

Again I say, I am not sure masks will save you if you go out and mingle with people.
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I think you’ve been seeing too much of the Daily Wail or similar - those not abiding by the guidelines are obviously hot news!

Every single person I know is doing exactly what is required- not going outside their home, if not in an at risk group, going shopping for themselves and elderly/ at risk neighbours once weekly.

Grocery deliveries are taken in with gloved hands, anything needing the fridge being washed diwn with weak bleach, everything else being left in garage for 3 days after being washed down with weak bleach etc.

That’s people here in Berkshire, Hampshire, East Sussex, Yorkshire as well as elsewhere. But that diesn’t fir with your chosen scenario, of course.
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From what I read GG in the news is that everyone in the UK seems to be breaking down under stress from the lockdown. It has only been a month for them FFS.

Family ALBF have been in lockdown for well over two months now. That includes three kids.

Boris and Trump reside over the worst Crono death figures in the world. They are both idiots but are loved by their population.

How does that work exactly ?

Anyway, i am happy with the way the French Government have handled the situation. Schools should not go back mind you.

I would hate to live in a country run by Boris.

It breaks my heart that the UK has become this.
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I don’t know where you get your news from, unless it really is the Daily Wail, but everyone we know, in places around the country, as already mentioned, are doing fine.

There’s a huge amount of help available from volunteers with shopping etc for those who need it if they aren’t able to go out and great spirit generally.

It’s almost 8 weeks self-confinement so far for my husband and I, although we didn’t go outside for a week before that either. We’re quite prepared to continue or as long as it takes.

I think you’ll find that your maths isn’t up to par on the length of time since the PM’s second message to the country, everything closed the following day - 6 weeks, according to my calendar.

I agree with you on the subject of the PM, but I certainly didn’t vote for his party, nor for brexit.

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I disagree, the stats speak for themselves.

The UK is an Island, there is no way the UK should be the worst hit country in Europe.

Very easy to lockdown an Island. France with borders, a bit more difficult.

The UK lock downed 2/3 weeks (or maybe a month) too late. That is a fact.

And I believe they are still letting folk into the UK unchecked.

Like I said, the stats speak for themselves.

People will still vote for Boris.
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Perhaps as with all things a common denominator is required as is with deaths from Coronavirus. Yes, the US has the most deaths but the US has many times the number of people than do some other countries. The true comparison in comparing deaths per 1M population. When that is done the figures change somewhat:

San Marino 1,208

Belgium 720

Andorra 595

Spain 553

Italy 491

UK 443

France 395

and then a long way down the list

US 226

So a far more realistic comparison - which certainly does not suit ALBFs conclusions - nur nur nur nur
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After looking at the terrible lists of new deaths and new cases each evening, the number of cases per million and deaths per million are what I look at next.

They don’t alter the sadness of the huge loss of lives, but help to somehow put it into more understandable numbers.

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Well no Mr T, it depends on the spread of the population within that country.

France is 248 sq km in size. America is 9 million + sq Km's.

San Marino is 60 Sq metres.

The population of NY is 8 million. They have had (of today) 19 500 deaths

The population of France is 77 million and had 26,000 deaths.

If you take out Ïle de France and the Bas Rhin (type areas), France has been relatively untouched.

I am sure you can do some further stats to me which country is worst hit.

The UK and America have dismal figures because they are run by the same type of leader.

Populist leaders don't work in a crisis.
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It isn't some grisly competition.
These are peoples' lives[:(]

On the other hand the Tory-controlled UK press seem to have been instructed to spin the  statistics  so that the  proverbial doesn't stick to Boris Cummings.

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