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Complete France Forum

Where are our members located?

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As many members do not have their geographical locations shown in their profile, I am always guessing where the posting "person" is located.

Would it be too much asking for people to update their profile or is this a privacy decision ?

If you agree to my post, let's get this thread going by mentioning the French village that is closest to us.

When in France ours is Laguepie 82250.
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Yes Norman. I remember looking at very old posts and reading she was from around Laguepie. Strange actually as every time I come across an English woman in Laguepie, I wonder if that is Cerise ....

And you Norman, where are you hiding ?
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 Didn't cerise leave France?? I cannot remember now, maybe went to the West Country?

Eric I now live on the coast in the NE of England, and to the south of you.

And I lived in the Alpes when in France.

That is as far as I am prepared to go, and there is a good reason for it.

In 2000 when I found this board, for all there were with a few exceptions, it was simply full of posts about France and how absolutely everything was fabulous and it was so cheap etc etc. Rose coloured spectacles about it all.

I had already lived in France for almost twenty years then, and I posted saying that I could not believe what I was reading, in fact was incredulous about most of the posts and that they were far from the reality of actually living in France long term. And that France was just a country, with good, bad and indifferent about most things, and I still stick by that. There is good, bad and indifferent in France.

For my post I was accused of being a troll trying to cause trouble and this person had the audacity to disgracefully post my full name, address and phone number.

How they had got hold of these details, I have no idea, but I was furious and frightened actually. That a person could post with such venom and go looking for a persons personal details was horrific.

I called Archant's offices and explained and had the post deleted immediately and got an apology of sorts from the person concerned. Was not what I would call a proper apology, but it was all I was going to get.

So no, that is all you are getting about me on here.

And I know some of you don't mind dishing out details, but if you do worry about doing that....... just remain anonymous as you always have been. I would rather you posted than know exactly where you live.[:)]

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Bugger Idun, I didn't know that !! People can be so shallow, good job the post was removed but how did that person get your details? I understand your reluctance to post more info but your exceptional circumstances shouldn't be the rule.

Didn't know you had moved back "locally" to North East (or didn't read the post announcing the event) ..... I could (only vaguely and again could be wrong ...) remember that you lived in the Alps. I hope you are happy where you are.
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We have been back for ages now and are fine living here.

No idea how this person got my details. Maybe in the old days the profiles on here left enough bits of information to simply check the Pages Blanches.

Archant were very good  and quick about deleting the post, which I appreciated.

A lesson learned about personal information.

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Me too, can't be too precise.  I live in a rural area and I don't have many friends amongst British expats so I'd rather they didn't follow me around should they find out who I am, where I live, etc.

I go to a gym, only one other Brit and she is lovely and we see each other in the gym and share our medical experiences, as we go to the same hospital and know each other's medical team.

I do nordic walking with a group of French friends and go away on short breaks 2 or 3 times a year with them.  No expat of any nationality.

I have started a Pilates class, first lesson yesterday, second lesson today (yes, you could say I am keen!).  Again no expats, or if there are some, I have not met them.

But I believe that I did tell you once where I live, Eric[:)]

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Idun wrote.

"For my post I was accused of being a troll trying to cause trouble and this person had the audacity to disgracefully post my full name, address and phone number."

You were, to put in it modern vernacular, "Doxed", and probably before the word was even invented.
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An interesting thread, ericd.

I’ve always put my vague location on forums and always put it as Berkshire/Gard or Gard/Berkshire, depending on which location I’m in at the time.

I don’t imagine many people here would be much wiser if I put actual place names, but as I’m on a couple of other forums and know that some posters on here also inhabit them, I’m not keen on being more specific on any forum.

That’s mainly because where we live in France is a small town, where I’m known to many people because of the associations I’m a member of. I would hate to think that I would get better treatment in restaurants etc because of being known as a poster on one of the other threads, where I’m trusted when giving opinions and recommendations.

If I still lived in Sunderland, where I was born and lived until I went to college, I’d be happy to put that for all to see as it’s such a big place.

Having reread my post, I’ve talked myself into putting our nearest town in the UK as it’s quite a big area but I’ll leave Gard for my location in France.
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Perhaps not too bad putting a more precise location if it is the only residence. However, if it is a case of moving between two homes then there could be clues as to at which home someone was. I do not do things such as Facebook etc but understand that the information can be used by those inclined to burgle.

Would not imagine that anyone on here is that way inclined but you never know....just to illustrate how the public persona can be different to their actual persona:

Watched a programme about fraud investigators in the NHS a while back and there was someone featured from where I used to work. His senior managers thought he was fantastic and he had a sort of special status. One of his duties was to bring in contractors to maintain and repair the equipment within his department. It all unravelled when he got in to an argument and hit another member of staff. His superiors could not save him from being suspended and sacked. Another person took his place and suddenly the cost of maintenance and repairs tumbled. The fraud investigators stepped in and he and the directors of three maintenance companies went to prison.

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I think that parts of the Ariège can  equal those two. I worked for several years in  the Lozère, and had a flat in the Ariège......
On the other hand the most gloomy part of France I have visited is the Haute Loire (43)

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In which case this site might amuse, inform(?) you.


Somewhat lost in translation? [8-)]

Sorry about the long link.

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