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How to make France greener

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As you may know, there has been a citizens convention sitting to try and come up with ideas to make France greener. Some of these ideas will be discussed with President Macron soon and a few might be put to national referendums.

There are rather a lot but for anyone with patience, it might be a rewarding read on this wet afternoon.

I notice that a reduction of the motorway speed limit to 110 kph is proposed. Most likely to succeed imnvho.

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Oh please please, not 110kph, I feel it is a dangerous mind numbing speed and likely to induce drowsiness on a very long journey.

I stick to it in the UK, because I have to, and am fully aware of how it affects me, and I am pretty sure it must affect others in the same way.

ps I would be very happy to have speed limits reduced in built up areas, that is OK with me, just not 'autoroutes'.

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I follow the same rules as the locals. I drive at the same speed regardless of conditions or speed limits. When I turn I don't use indicators because they only cause confusion. I don't drive past ten o'clock on the speedometer. No idea of what kph that is. It's worked ok since the last incident.
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The Charente has changed a lot of its roads back to 90 too. I miss the Autobahns. It was so nice being able to drive at the speed that suited the car, driver and the road conditions without having to waste so much concentration checking that you weren’t accidentally exceeding a prescribed limit.
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I so agree about checking your speed limit.  Most mid range modern cars are so quiet that you do have to keep looking at the speedo to see how fast you are going.

On an open road in good weather, it's actually quite difficult to keep to arbitrarily imposed limits.

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Idun, I'm definitely with on this one.  Good for the car .. better for safety to stop the boot crawling .. far more dangerous thatn actual spped.  I keep my distance .. prefer to sail along with plenty of space around me.

And yes, my car just does not want to go at 80 .. speed always creeps up without noticing .. particularly annoying on one 10 minute drive along the Minervoise near us where at night there is a perfecty clear view, it's as dead straight as it can be in places, with few junctions, and very, very little traffic .. if any at all. 

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