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Nutshell Lehaut.

ALBF left a forum over a year ago.

ALBF still gets daily/weekly abuse on said forum.

ALBF angry.

If I had died (or anyone else) in a car crash let's say 6 months ago would they carry on giving me abuse.

My inbox on this forum is full of ex members complaining about abuse.

This stops today.


ALBF tired and my cat is dying. So not happy.

Please let ALBF RIP.

He is not posting again.

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Unfortunately ALBF my old son, you've been hung by your own petard. A couple of times I've bitten at things you've written but, mainly I read your posting with amusement as I understand mainly what you are up to. Don't stop posting as we would lose something from this forum. I think I understand why they don't want other forums mentioned, and that is when that happens as it did recently; undesirables join in and it would finish up as a bear pit like some other places. So stay with us, your quirky views are welcome, from me anyway. ??
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Basically, having a certain ciique of posters airing their dirty laundry in public in a place that is not there to air dirty washing in, is about as off-putting as you can get for anybody who isn't in and doesn't want to be in that clique - which is most of the world. You may think you and your forum persona are absolutely fascinating but I'm afraid you're wrong. This is not interesting. It's pathetic.

Now can you just stop, please?.
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ALBF I like you fine.

And I am very sorry to hear about your cat. I love cats.

I never said I wanted you to stop posting. I would miss you. But I want you to stop posting ON THIS SUBJECT. Please stop spoiling this forum by dragging up unpleasant stuff that has no place on here and nobody wants to read about.

Start a new thread about Brexit or living in the country or masks or front doors or something :-)
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Yes, eating is definitely a good sign.

Cats are lovely but they always break your heart in the end. I cried buckets over all my cats.

The last cat I had, died on the same day my mum died. They'd both been ill for a while. I had a call in the middle of the night to go to the hospital to my mum, she died at 5am, then I came home and Nellie died at one o'clock in the afternoon. That wasn't a good day.

Sorry an' all, you probably didn't want to know that.

Hope you manage to get a good sleep.

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I can only talk about one of our cats who was about 8yo at the time.

She was found by ‘neighbours’ 50m away who she visited daily. In the sort of state that ALBF describes - probably she gobbled up a dodgy poisoned mouse.

A week at the vet (big bill), but not much by way of medication (other than re-hydration) and then home for a further week or so before she began to get better.

She lived to 19. Best that the vet looks at your one though.

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@NickP i don't know which comment you're referring to but in any case it wouldn't have been aimed at you because I haven't aimed any comments directly at anyone apart from ALBF.

Far as I can see, your only post on this thread was basically saying you hoped ALBF keeps posting and that's a comment that I supported.

Beyond that I was just sounding off generally about posts that I feel are off-putting to forum visitors. The rant was about posts not about the posters.

Anyway, I hope ALBF's cat has recovered.
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Thanks everyone for their support towards the cat and me.

The cat slept all night and then went out for a while this morning and then came back in. Then went back to bed.

She is getting better I think.

In terms on not going to the vet. I really thought she was a gonna and preferred that she passed away at home. Her breathing was really laboured.

She was definitely poisoned by something.

Eating a dodgy mouse is a good shout.

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I hope your cat is now well. It is so distressing when family pet's are ill.

Fortunately our dog was only ill once. The cat however, has been very poorly twice now. Not poisoned either. Thought we were going to lose him on both occasions.

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