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If this forum gets closed down I shall hold you personally responsible.

I have asked repeatedly that matters which arise on other forums are not brought on to this one. You know that I am trying to keep things going single-handedly and yet you choose not to co-operate.
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For flaunting forum rules and regs, it's understandable the buck should stop with someone. However, in fairness to ALBF, I must hold my hand up to disregarding the rules and regs myself through my reference to visiting an alternative french forum and my comments on a particular group of people there.

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this action of mine may have caused you.

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Can't afford a lawyer. LOL

On this subject....why are we allowed to have a go at facebook, twitter, Instagram etc etc etc (which have 'French' sections)....on this forum and not be allowed to direct criticism at other French forums ?

Why are we allowed to call French/British politicians, celebrities and what not horrible names but not each other.

Forum world makey no sense to ALBF.
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Just for once, ALBF, HOLD YOUR TONGUE!  Unless it is to give a fulsome apology as Cajal has done.

You are supposed to be a responsible adult person and a father of 3 young children.  I would have thought that you wouldn't need to be told numerous times not to transgress Forum rules.  What is it about them that you don't understand?

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In the interest of fairness ALBF did apologise in this thread but that was deleted. In that post he said he would behave like a grown up, but it was removed.

It does seem odd to me that ALBF is constantly vilified in "another place" and can't respond, yet the current post which caused the fuss remains there with 694 views and still live, with no action taken, unlike here.

I have no axe to grind, I hardly ever come here, but though ALBF is a "character" this all seems quite unnecessary. I can only think the owner doesn't want any attention, in which case this will probably be deleted as well, but not to worry.
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Thanks Rock.

You said it all in a nutshell.

And you are indeed correct. I did apologise to Hoody.

Hoddy is a good mod. They look after this place very well.

Anyway, this is all getting tiresome. ALBF getting old now. Even starting to grow grey hair.

Cheer up folks....we will be on lockdown soon.

Just think of the mischief we can get up too.

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I have to say I also thought things were a little unbalanced. A complaint from the other forum's owners, or someone acting on their behalf, meant a mischievous - but hardly more than that - thread was deleted on here, yet there's no equivalent in the other forum. (I wouldn't expect fairness on the other forum, but I am disappointed it isn't happening here.)

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You have to wonder what's the matter with folks.

The mod asked everybody to please not refer to other forums. Seems fair enough, it's netiquette and it's a forum rule.

And what is everybody still talking about? Anolther forum.

I don't know how Hoddy doesn't blow his top.
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OK this is absolutely my last word on the subject.

There is no rule about other forums.

As I have said dozens of times before we have/had long standing "gentleman's agreement" not to discuss matters which arise elsewhere. Very long experience shows that it always ends in unpleasantness as it has done this time. I have been on the receiving end of some really unpleasant nastiness.

I am making one last appeal for this to stop NOW>

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All this is extremely unfair on Hoddy, who has more than enough to do on this forum.

The way things are going, it could be the end of this forum and most members would miss it a lot.

Please stop posting any more on this thread.

Hoddy, please stay with the forum - most of us really appreciate all you do, although we probably have no idea just how much that is.
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Listen folks.

This is not about other French forums.

This is about two individuals who run the other forum.

As I understand they have harassed and bullied people across all French forums since there inception.

Now they have there own.

If we can talk about Trump, we can talk about these two

It is basically the same debate.

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alittlebitfrench wrote the following post at 28 Aug 2020 15:37:

There are only two rules in this prison, Are you listening to me ALBF ? One: You do not write on the walls. Two: You obey all the rules.

If the above is you being all grown up and following the rules ..

then why are you still in this 'prison' ?

You have a voice and you have a choice ..
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Amazing what I miss when I've not had a chance to pop in for a while.

I find the best way to stop annoying posters (or rude, or abusing or whatever epithet you use), when they go beyond the pale is to not reply at all.  Ignore.  Stops most people in their tracks.  No reply means no riposte, and there is never any need to slate anybody, on this or any other forum .. each forum works to their own rules and you obey or else you are out. 

Hoddy, to whom very many thanks is owed, is keeping this forum very well on her own, and does not deserve to be onthe receiving end of what purports to be "discussion" but which is not.

Besides which, this in not what I come onto this forum for, and I cannot be alone.

Nuff said. 

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