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How is everybody doing?


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We are doing OK.

Things are opening up, we have been out for a few meals and bit by bit things are around getting to the new normal.

We are due a heatwave next week, but my, it is cool today and I have even put the heating on a little and that is just fine with me.

We have had rain too, today included, but this year, certainly not as much as we should have had.

Big event yesterday, I filled the car up! Second time since mid March, £70's worth in getting on for five months..... no wonder we have some spare cash in the bank[Www]. I hadn't realised how often I actually fill the car, and I do use the bus quite a lot.

Funny how little things have become 'events' in our lives. And I hope that I start to appreciate all the little things as much as life moves on.

So what has happened on here?

Was there the terrible heatwave in France and everyone melted away? I do wonder.

I hope everyone has stayed safe and well, and please start posting.

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Bonjour, idun.  It's good you have posted and given an update.  I am not sure whether nobody has anything new to say or everyone has become too apathetic or.....well, what is it?[8-)]

Yes, been very warm last week but been a lot cooler the last 2 or 3 days.  The wind is wonderful and the evenings are perfect; nice temperature, beautiful sunsets and a glorious orangey moon in clear skies.

I was going to post a topic to ask what people might have "taken away" from the experience of lockdown, the virus, food shortages, etc etc.  So, what you have said about appreciating "all the little things" would fall into that category.

The only thing "new" in our neck of the woods is the compulsory wearing of masks in enclosed public spaces.  Didn't affect us much because we were already wearing masks in shops.

I went for my first walk organised by the local sports assoc yesterday evening.  But I shan't go with them again, simply too many people.  I walked in the first (fastest) group, one of 3 groups, with 6 or 7 of my regular walking friends.  It wasn't a problem for us because we were all experienced hardened walkers so not many caught us up.  Then I left straight afterwards before a crowd gathered near their cars.

Another good and positive thing is that I have lost a noticeable amount of weight, mainly because I have carried on my habit of walking for an hour everyday (a habit left over from the initial strict lockdown when we could only exercise for an hour outside our houses and gardens).

Plus the Pilates I have learned during lockdown and since has had a positive effect on my sleep and energy levels so I do about an hour of that everyday.Then no alcohol because of the hot weather and eating lots of salads.

The downside is that I have not been anywhere for any sort of social gathering so being able to get into any skirt, dress, pair of trousers taken out of the wardrobe in the certainty that it will fit nicely is nowhere near as gratifying!  That and no point wearing any make-up or lipstick as it will only stain the mask........No jewellery either, not even my favourite jewellery which are earrings.  They just look too busy what with spectacles and mask......sigh...

OH is getting under my feet a bit now as he is too worried about the virus to go off for his table tennis and doesn't call on any friends.

As you see, pluses and minuses but, on the whole, for me, it's been a good experience to have.  I have been reading a book about the plague in Northern Italy in the 16 century and, guess what, the attitudes of the population towards many, many aspects of THEIR social life is exactly like ours. They behaved alike and had much to reflect on about the bad things but also the good ones after it was all over[:D] 


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 Hi Idun, Mint,

Things slowly opening up, tourists flooding here now, so we are not going very much further than we have done since lockdown, though quite a few Rotary  meetings (and I got to wear a dress quite a bit).  Today I actually went to the market for the first time since lockdown, as I could get no decent veg when I went to the supermarket yesterday .. mask wearing was "interesting", some did, some didn't, be they public or stall holders !

I've had my hair cut today for the third time, and a chiropodist visit (2nd time) since we were allowed out, and delight of delights, spent a few days with my sister, who had finally arrived from the UK to her holiday home (not that far from  you Mint).  Not worried, she's been shielding since January, and Brother in law is used to wearing mask, gloves etc for the community transport he does .. we wore masks as needed when out. Used much more petro thatn you  have Idun in all of this.

Unfortunately the thing that started during the lockdown, and has not stopped since has been my regular visits to the Oncopole, the laboratory for blood tests, shopping, well someone has to do it, OH never brings back the right things, etc.  So far no news is good news, and the side effects minimal, but it's tediously boring, though I am getting to know the route between here and the Oncopole in Toulouse rather well now.  So, I have been more fortunate than some, as I was never in complete lockdown due to needing to go to Toulouse etc  .. somehow it feels strange to have freedom again though. 

The pleasures have been mixed, as apart from before the cancer was diagnosed when I actually got things done, I have never been so busy. Summer is usually when I get things done in the house - not this year!  And the weather has been as variable as everything else.  Pleasantly warm and windy the last few days, last week, with my sister, over 40!  Too hot indeed.

But we are all here still, which I suppose proves something!

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Arms full of ironing from the washing we collected and our son left whilst we were away touring, my wife managed to walk full tilt into the end of the bed, locking and twisting her little toe. Deposing the clothes on the bed, wracked with pain, she noticed the toe was at an odd angle, so bent down and put it back in place. So for the past few days, arnica oil massages have figured large in our daily routine.

Huge bruise, but walking now possible. Our French friends were horrified we did not get ourselves down to the "urgence" or at least rush off to the Doctors. Don't think they could do much anyway and any reason not to expose ourselves to the C-19 seems valid.

Cynics may say that this has given me an excuse to escape to the VR world with my new Oculus Quest, but luckily I cannot hear them with my headphones on :)
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Here in South 56 the tourists have arrived in force .. the first fortnight of August being traditionally the busiest 2 weeks of the summer.

Nearly everyone wears a mask where they need to .. at the market, inside any shop or place open to the public.

Many wear them all the time ..

Social distancing is more restrained due to the numbers so care needs to be taken.

There are even more bikes about than usual ??

Restos are doing their bit with tables well separated and disinfection of menus/tables etc very high on the list.

Fortunately the food still tastes just as delicious.

So far so good .. but you wouldn't want to go to the beach, or in the water, in the afternoon as there are hoards of people, families and young ones just everywhere.

At least 90% are French with a few cars from NL/B/D and some from CH. There was even one car from UK ? in the beach car park we cycle past.

Daughter made a last-minute decision to visit, flying in from Manchester .. fortunately her plane was only 2/3 full so there was no one sitting next to her.

So, being careful everywhere we go, we are surviving so far. Daughter very tanned due to the very sunny weather.
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We are in very rural Southern Bourgogne at our 'mansion secondaire'. Well it is not mine exactly, I'm just the one that does all the work. I'm the lavey. I know my place.

The peace and quiet is lovely. I could get used to this.

Just saw a variety of kite looking for its lunch.

Off to Lyon tomorrow.

Everyone is behaving regarding masks.

Not many tourists about. Mostly Dutch if any.

No Brits. ???....with their germs.

Keep safe everyone.

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Glad to hear everyone's reports.  We are still enjoying our new home / town. 

It has been warm a few days.  That one day when it was 40 (just a few days ago) was definitely unpleasant.  The next few days will find us with mid 30's temps and that is never very fun, but hey, it is Summer.  We take our walks in the earlier morning hours before the heat gets too bad.

I did fall ill the first week of July.  We moved to the new house on 15 June, so we had all kinds of errands and places we had to go get settled in here.  So, I came across a lot of different people.  It was a very strange illness, like nothing I have ever experienced before, but then, I am very rarely ever ill.  Started with body aches, a very very hard time breathing and fatigue, then it got worse.  I'll spare you all the details.  I stayed home and tried to stay as far from my husband as possible.  A fever lasted only 2 days (thank God).  After 21 days, I saw my new GP (here in Sceaux). 

He is more than your average GP.  He has published several articles on COVID (in Lancet, etc.) internationally.  He has spoken with Dr. FAUCI in the USA, French govt / health officials and other govt health officials from various other countries.  He began seriously studying the virus along with a few of his colleagues back in January.  I felt he really knew what he was talking about.  He diagnosed me with COVID and prescribed anti-virals and a cortizone treatment.  He spent a LOT of time talking with me about the various testing methods, results or lack there.  He has treated more than 400 COVID patients this year.

I have now finished my drugs and my breathing is pretty much normal now.  I don't know how my husband did not get it.  He felt funny for 2 days, but never really got sick like I did.

I am now able to take my walks outside like I had been before.  I always wear a mask the minute I walk out the front door. 

Our daughter is planning to visit us this month for a couple of weeks.  So, we are looking forward to seeing her.  She has a RDV for a nasal test to make sure she does not have the virus this Friday.  Once she gets a negative result, she'll visit us.  Though, I must say that my doctor had quite a bit to say about the reliability of the various tests people are getting.  He had a lot to say about antibodies and T-cells also.  I had read some of this, but it was very interesting to hear him explain his experiences up to this point.

There's my update.  Have been 'convoqued' to pick up my new titre de sejour showing my new address.  Progress.

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Lori wrote the following post at 05 Aug 2020 15:31:

Glad to hear everyone's reports. We are still enjoying our new home / town.

I have now finished my drugs and my breathing is pretty much normal now. I don't know how my husband did not get it. He felt funny for 2 days, but never really got sick like I did.

I am now able to take my walks outside like I had been before. I always wear a mask the minute I walk out the front door.

Delighted to read that you are regaining your good health .. it sounds as though you have found an excellent GP ?
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[quote user="NormanH"]


She was always funny in that American way, feisty and unafraid.

I see from the first comment that the show was in the Avery Fisher Hall.  I can't hear that name without blushing with shame.  We were listening to Brahms Requiem and it was our first full day in New York.  Alas, the jet lag got to me and I slept through most of the concert.......oh, the shame, I will never live that down[:$]

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Thank you Sue and Norman.  It was an odd experience.  The fever days had me quite worried, but it was the breathing difficulty that scared me the most.  I could barely swallow a sip of water without gasping for breath.

Now, onward to the heat wave...

Yes Sue, we are thrilled with our new GP, who was recommended to us by our landlord, who by the way, translated all the articles Dr. RAYBAUD published about the COVID.

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Well, Lori, you couldn't have been in a better place to get covid, could you?[:D]  And to have the extreme good luck of finding that doctor.....!!

I am delighted to hear that you are back on your walks.  I have this unshakeable belief that walking is the panacea for all ills.  Feeling depressed, lack energy, full of aches and pains?  Dr Mint's advice is, go for a walk everyday!  Yes naive and possibly dangerous in some circumstances but I am still fully convinced of the life-enhancing properties of a good daily walk.  I do realise that some of us have mobility problems and that as a consequence day-to-day activities must be so much harder[:(]

The heat is definitely punishing and makes all physical activities seem a massive challenge.  I eat a lot of "cooling" foods with a high water content; so, fruits, especially melons and vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Keep cool and keep well, everybody[:)] 

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Thanks Mint.  I feel very fortunate in so many ways.

We set out this morning later than normal (10h00).  The temp sign on the pharmacy said 30 degrees already !  We decided to walk the Coulée Verte this morning.  Bit of a mistake as we learned that it doesn't have enough shade at that time of day.  There are lots of trees, but they don't provide as much shade as the Parc de Sceaux.  So, we will go back to our regular Parc walks until the heat subsides.

We normally walk 7 or 8 kilometers and, in the Parc, we can manage all that distance in shade.  I agree with you Mint.  Walking is such a joy.  I have always enjoyed it.  I've walked everywhere we have lived.  Mostly alone as husband worked and daughter was normally in school.  It has always been such a pleasure.  I feel bad for those with mobility issues.  Makes me that much more aware of how lucky I am.

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