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Gendarmes enforcing strict covid controls

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Friends in the Vendée tell me that there are gendarmes on every main roundabout enforcing the lockdown rules and even insisting that till receipts be produced where shopping was a reason to go out.

Whereas here I have seen one group of gendarmes on the usual roundabout, stopping odd coloured cars, clearly not very interested in what they were doing.

The locals take a very dim view of being stopped as they are never anywhere when needed, so they say.
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No controls here.  Most of my neighbors seem to like it that way..  I've just gotten used to it.

I know the cashiers at the Auchan (3 minutes walk from my house) get VERY perturbed when customers don't mask.  Yet I have never seen the security guard say anything to them.  He may, but he never has when I've been in there.

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Been travelling and moving around more than normal, medical appointments all over .. only one control ever - and they were in a well known town bottleneck, stopping everybody, just after Macron talked last week ... weren't interested in my attestation (I was the passenger) but checked the papers of my driver, but really in this country area, rarely seen. They disappear entirely when it is raining, of course!

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They were out in a large number in Brittany a few days ago (530 according to the report below). They set up 93 control points, mainly for drugs. Nothing to stop them checking anything else to justify the exercise though.

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 From the sound of it, it is different in each region of France. My son has now compiled a dossier with every last thing he can think of to have with him when he goes to work. Says it'll be easier to be prepared than have any hassle.

I have been told that the police are checking number plates in NE England if people cross 'borders', and I have to this week, as I have to collect something that won't wait. Also it'll do the car good to have a good run out.

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Around here, it all seems to be pretty low key. From what I’ve read in the local paper, they’re more interested in enforcing the night time curfew, which makes sense. They simply don’t have the manpower to attempt to enforce anything during the daytime.

Having said this, I did spot two gendarmes in an unmarked car at one of their favourite ‘watching’ spots. From their point of view, it’s an ideal location - good view of vehicles coming from either direction, a place where most traffic is close to or over the speed limit, and it’s only 2 minutes back to the ‘nick’.

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[quote user="idun"] From the sound of it, it is different in each region of France. [/quote]
Which is normal for France. The regions have always varied in what they have to deal with and therefore the solutions / level of engagement... the enforcement in major city France vs deeply rural is, I'm sure, completely different.

In both confinements, I've never been stopped. OH - despite being out and about on weekdays (daily commute in car + trips out on company business during the day) has only been stopped once for an attestation check and that was in March the day after the original confinement was announced. But this is small town / very rural Normandy. Despite the apparently low level of enforcement, Manche has continued to have one of the lowest transmission figures throughout.

However, several acquaintances have had trips to Caen and Rennes related to medical appointments pre-ops, etc, and they've been stopped regularly, even twice on one visit.

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