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A Danger of Civil War in France?

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And perhaps a change from the constant references to articles in The Guardian would give us a more rounded view....?

Such as my original post from Valeurs actuels which is the only other reference I have made in this thread?

Isn't that rabid right enough for yhou  to give "a more rounded view....?

Here is an article from Le Figaro

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There was civil war in France yesterday. How many policeman/women /Pompiers injured all over France ?

And this is just the beginning.

The fireman/pombier caught on camera being hit with something with his back turned...

Well, if I was him, I would grabbed the fecker, dragged him into a corner and asked for a proper fight.

What a coward.

Who the FECK would move to France ? Who would go on holiday to France ?

France HAS become a dump of a country.
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ALBF wrote --There was civil war in France yesterday. How many policeman/women /Pompiers injured all over France ?

And this is just the beginning.

The fireman/pombier caught on camera being hit with something with his back turned...

Well, if I was him, I would grabbed the fecker, dragged him into a corner and asked for a proper fight.

What a coward.

Who the FECK would move to France ? Who would go on holiday to France ?

France HAS become a dump of a country.

One could be forgiven that you don't like France!!!!
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Why 6 years? A French President serves for 5 years. Is that yet another fact about  France that you don't know?

And what is this nonsense  about ' I am so angry...or hungry as they say in France'

Who are the 'they' and why would they say it? As  they say in France is the sort of phrase used by those  who don't live here.

There is no confusion between 'avoir faim' and 'être en colère ' which is what  French people might  say

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Noroman said..

"Why 6 years? A French President serves for 5 years. Is that yet another fact about France that you don't know?


And what is this nonsense about ' I am so angry...or hungry as they say in France' "

Jeeeeeus Norman. JEESSUS NORMAN ! LOL

5 Years + 1 year (Macron term remaining) = 6 Years.

Duh !

When a French person says 'angry' in French it sounds like 'hungry'. Or vice versa.

Like, ships, chips and sheep.

You need to live in France a little bit longer my friend.
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There is no danger of civill war in France. There hasn't been since the revolution and that was hardly civil war. Anyone who thinks so must be stupid! There has never been civil war in France and I feel sure there never will be.

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ALBF wrote: Oooh Kenny boy. Can I call you Kenny ?

Of corse you can . That's what my mum called me!

The fact is there isn't a civil war going on. Stop dribbling when you have your milk!!!
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[quote user="Ken"]ALBF wrote: Oooh Kenny boy. Can I call you Kenny ?

Of corse you can . That's what my mum called me!

The fact is there isn't a civil war going on. Stop dribbling when you have your milk!!![/quote]

Seems like a bad day for you - on the second bottle already?

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ANOTHER BANANA wroteAnd the Vendée Wars, Ken?

Well, I did say since the revolution did I not? The Vendee war was during that period. It may also be splitting hairs but..; academics have always referred to the Vendee war as 'War' not a civil war.
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own against town, brother against brother, village against village, it was Civil War. Though there were troops involved from outside the region; most of the Vendéen generals were local and the others were outsiders.

Same with other areas of France.

Unfortunately insurrections don't count as civil war!!! I'm afraid you need to check your definitions of what civil war is!
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BANANA: Well I can 't argue against what you have found other than to say I'm still splitting hairs! Your article mentions a 'grande guerre' after the title of civil war.and I still stick to what I said that there hasn't been a civil war since the revolution and that wasn't really a civil war. We both know what we mean by a civil war: The civil war in the USA, the War of the Roses in England, modern Middle East etc. That has never happened in France. You could apply the term civil war to any dispute but as I said, we both know what a civil war is!
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Indeed,   reported on France 3 and TF1 this lunchtime,   and described as received with cold disdain by the political classes.

If they (Macron et al) had any sense they'd be "engaging" with this warning signal,   particularly if it indeed reflects (as was reported last week) the majority view of the French people themselves.....

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