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Macron gets his face slapped

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Whilst on a visit to boost his electoral chances, he went to greet a waiting crowd of ‘students’ at a hospitality training college when one of them reached across and (almost) smacked him one. Security guards got the guy. Guillotine?

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I believe the person responsible got 4 months in prison and 14 suspended. Full tariff is 3 years and or 45,000 euro fine. This weekend there has been another two flour attacks (François de Rugy, here in Nantes having a quiet drink in a bar, and now Jean-Luc Mélenchon). Putting aside what you think of their politics, these are cases of assault.

Our youngest is at home doing his PhD studies on line and we got into a real Barny about this yesterday. At my age I realise I am "old school" about crime and punishment. If its assault then all the perpetrators should receive the same level of punishment. He was more of the opinion that its a common event in France (throwing the flour), so perhaps its just the cut and thrust of modern politics.

(Though if you have just watched "Time" the chances are most of these people belong in a psychiatric hospital rather than prison!)

There is a real sense of frustration in young people that the ability to change the system is so limited that, to some degree, this degree of protest is justified, but I find that hard accept, or is it just me?

(Though if you have just watched "Time" the chances are most of these people belong in a psychiatric hospital rather than prison!)
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NO, Lehaut, you are neither "old school" nor intolerant.  I agree totally with you.....shouting, threats,  rudeness OK if you feel cross enough but there is no call for violence.  And that is what this is, violence against a person.

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Throwing flour, egg etc has been going on for, many years; not only here in France but in other countries notably Britain so nothing new. Certainly it can be defined as assault but a certain context and rational has to be kept I think. They are not all gun tooting terrorists!

As regards slapping Macron, of course it is assault but if we are going to talk about fairness I just don't think the sentence handed out to this character was just! Would he have been given that punishment for slapping an 'ordinary' person? Would he have even been arrested I wonder!
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It is about the attacking the symbol of the authority of the Republic that the President represents rather  than about slapping Macron the man.

That is why even his political rivals condemned it.

I also suspect that the recent fashion of  filming someone doing weird and wonderful things then posting it on you Tube contributed to the state of mind of the perpetrator.

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I doubt anyone isn't aware as to why the man was punished as he was. The question is do we want one law for some, and a different law for others or even different interpretations? As far as I'm aware he was punished for slapping Macron not the symbol of the republic!! Had it been a minister who was slapped would the man have got 3 months not 4 and so on down the chain until we are back to the man slapping another in the street and just getting a fine!

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It would be extraordinarly arrogant to pretend to understand how the incident was perceived in France better than is stated such a range of articles.
Please quote one of them and show why I should not 'believe' the opinion of the journalist.

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It would indeed be most arrogant if it were suggested that someone is more widely read than another and therefore has a better understanding of an issue. That you do believe the opinion of journalists is your affair. Most people, I believe, are capable making up their own minds.
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"Making up your own mind" about the perception of the incident by French people without reading or listening to them is arrogance based on ignorance.

banana I quoted La Croix since I have been accused in another thread of always quoting the Guardian [;-)]

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Ah! So your opinion isn't your opinion! It's the perception of the French people is it? Do you actually have an opinion or do you simply. quote the press, which you evidently slavishly believe?
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The topic is the significance of the French President having his face slapped.
I am outlining the view of a significant number of French commentators.

My own opinion is of no more interest than  yours, though possibly better informed since you show no understanding of the symbolic importance of that, and evidently no interest in learning about the  country in which you claim to live

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You are right about one thing. Your opinion is of no importance, even though you don't give one. Back to arrogance! You are better informed and profess to speak on behalf of a number of French commentators! Oh dear! Quite sad really. Keep posting links to the press which you are so obviously and slavishly dedicated to, they are as relevant as you are.. Me, I prefer people who have a mind of their own and express their opinions rather than keep posting items from a press that agrees with their views.
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I disagree, an intelligent person will know how opinions are formed! You have pointed to one straight away! Generally speaking articles in the press and the media generally and simply reenforce one"s particular prejudices or beliefs.

Why do people read the Guardian, or the Telegraph, Times, Morning Star, La Croix etc? Because it supports their views. They don't have to read anything, they are already convinced they are right!

The trick is to be objective and understand that whilst you don't agree with a particular view it is still relevant. Some simply can't understand that and whatever is written in a newspaper is gospel!! Some even quote newspapers because they are afraid of stating their own views and use the articles as fact!
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As well as a good slap, he also deserves to be imprisoned for four months himself also for the sickening display of bonhomie alongside Biden and his nauseating sucking up to HRH QE2, over the weekend, and for the fact he is either unaware or is in denial that Northern Ireland is in fact a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The clue is in the title.

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[quote user="anotherbanana"] I think he was showing off for the French market.[/quote]

Hasn't he spent his whole tenure, particularly where the UK is concerned, adopting this style of presidency?

The guy is total veneer. He also consistently acts like an over indulged child that has escaped the controls of his teacher or mother. Oh? Err hang on a minute.....................

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