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Queue jumping in shops

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I've had one of those days when nothing seemed to go right.  Tried to put petrol in car - put credit card PIN number into new high tech widget thing of card reader at petrol station.  Wouldn't accept my first PIN - even though it was correct.   Tried again - second time - still wouldn't accept PIN - and then I was informed that I had, basically, only one more chance to put in correct PIN.  But I had already entered correct PIN - twice.   Did I risk it - no.  So left with no petrol.

Wanted to get cash from ATM; but then decided not.   If the petrol machine wouldn't accept correct PIN number, then if I tried for a third time and the ATM also decided I had not used correct PIN then possibly the machine would 'swallow' my card.   So didn't get any cash.   Decided to leave it until tomorrow (24 hours) - and hope for the best next time.
Coudn't use direct debit french bank card - because I've mislaid my card, and am waiting for new one from bank. 

Go to chemist to try to make RDV for covid vax.   There's 3 people ahead of me in queue.  I wait at the open door; each one is served, with lengthy chats taking place.  I move forward.   There are 4 people behind me when it is my turn.
I start to ask the assistant a question - the mobile phone rings.    She picks it up, has a chat - and then wanders off into the rear of the shop................
And I stand there, gob-smacked.   This blasted person on the phone has jumped the queue of 5 people (and yes, there were 4 people behind me).
I waited, there were no other assistants, no-one around - I could hear her chatting away......... so I left; why should I wait while she's chatting to queue jumper; there was no word of apology to me when she picked up the phone, nor word of apology to me when she disappeared.

So no petrol, no cash, and no RDV for vax.  Round trip of 50 minutes for nothing - except wasting petrol and time.   Scream...

Is it any wonder I get fed up, hate modern techno - gadgets that won't read correct PIN - and b----y mobile phones that are more important than a real person in a queue.   Anyone else feeling a bit grouchy today about modern techno; or is it just me being singled out by the Gods for them to have fun and make my day difficult !!

Oh well - good excuse for a few more glasses of wine... hic, hic.
And tomorrow's another day.......

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As a man, I view all modern technology as female. Works fine one day, you do exactly the same the next and it flies off the handle. Much coaxing and gentle interrogation later, you do exactly the same thing, and it works!

I will get my hat now.
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You have my sympathy Chessie.  I feel your pain.  Husband is off visiting his aging parents and won't be back for a while. 

I got an offer this morning from FREE for a year of Canal + at no fee.  Will cancel automatically at end of 12 months.  So, I follow instructions and go to my espace client to accept the offer. 

Get email confirming I have accepted offer.  Get an email from Canal + welcoming me as a subscriber and giving me a temporary sign-in code.  I try and try but cannot for the life of me get the sign in to work - and like you, I AM using the correct code.  Husband normally would do all this kind of stuff, but hey ho, he is not here.

I finally get a page to open (without getting an error message) asking me for my email sign-in and my password.  I enter the EXACT data I received from Canal +, no go. Won't work, just get an error message.

Contacted FREE (which is never a pleasant process).  Was told I need to unplug my FREE plugs and re-plug them.  Okay, I have no idea which plugs are FREE plugs.  She said I needed to reboot the box.  I always dread doing this when I am on my own as I never seem to have any luck getting something (anything) to work once it has been disconnected. 

Just unplugged the entire two boxes, waited a couple of minutes and plugged them back in.  Luckily, so far, it powered back up and Canal + is working.

I spent the better part of the morning on this, so I understand your frustration.  I chalk it up to old age (mine not yours) and the simple fact that FREE NEVER gives decent instructions for anything.

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