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Complete France Forum

New French expression I picked up today….

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à la tâte.

The article below explains it. But if you can’t get the link just type in pècheur à la tâte.


( Sorry, the first link was a crupup so I have edited and replaced it)
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Thank you, Norman.

Now a question for you to keep that more than clever mind busy! I inherited a tree from my daughter which has turned out to be an apple tree which, contrary to my other trees, is bearing fruit, a single apple. My neighbour, an elderly and very helpful paysanne tells me that the single first fruit of an apple tree should not be eaten. Link to the Adam and Eve myth or is there a valid reason?
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[quote user="anotherbanana"]à la tâte.

The article below explains it. [/quote]

Not for me.  I don't even like picking up a rock for fear of what might be living under it.  Same goes for bringing in firewood from a big stack.  Seen too many snakes and spiders. 

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Not French, but there is fishing technique in the USA called noodling, similar to the French method, but with slightly bigger (as you would expect) results.


And no, I would not like to try it either.
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