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Non au riff raff !!


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I love Deauville, it is just class, maybe they want to keep it that way, another jewel which should not be lost




                                     A photo I took some years ago (réproduction interdite!)




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Christine whilst I go off subject I have over the years collected Nicolas prints (originale) from the 1930's but have now run out of room on the walls!

I have some really superb ones from the 30's plus earlier ones arte decor type stuff.  I just do not know what to do with them.  Could frame them I suppose but no walls.

I prefer Trouville I am sorry and especially early on Sundays for the market then across the road for shrimps and sole.  Wonderful

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From the look of the beach the delicate ladies of Deauville would be inviting a chill were they to venture forth in anything less than a sou'wester and oilskins that day.  Would that be considered suitably decent attire?  They could always tie down the sou'wester with a silken scarf from Samarkand.

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Deauville is a lovely place but it does seem to attract the most awful snobs and posers so this isn't surprising. People watching can be interesting there, especially at Film Festival time.

I suspect they needn't be too worried. The BBC article is not correct when it says that this is the first budget airline route to Normandy. A few years ago one of the other operators (I can't remember which, it might have been flybe) set up routes to Caen and Rouen. Demand was not high and after a while the routes were combined and the plane would take off from Caen and stop of at Rouen en route to the UK and it eventually closed.

Whether Ryanair can make it work is another matter of course. I wouldn't have thought that an airport so close to the ports at Caen and Le Havre would make much difference to house prices.

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  • 3 months later...
I've heard that Ryanair have dropped the idea of flying to Deauville and the route isn't featured on their web site but I can't find any statement on the site one way or the other. Does anyone know what the situation is? Perhaps the Upper Crust in Deaville and surrounding area managed to squash the idea.
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700  x euro 33 x 2 = 46,200 euro @ 5%/1,200 euro x 8 months = 1540 euro interests ended in the coffers of ryanair  and 0 euros to the people who gave them their money  ( those who paid by credit card would infact have had to pay interest too!).  

Next time give ME 46,200 euro and I will give YOU back a much better return than ZIPPO !

Apart from this, I have for months being wondering if any kind of public transport system had been set up from/to the airport in preparation of these flights.  I have sent at least 6 emails to the Airport of St Gatien about this issue  and every time their answer evidenced the total  absence of  any  public/private coach service  from / to the airport into town (Deauville, I presume , but what about other surrounding and equally important resorts ? Pont Audemer, Beauzeville, Pont l'Eveque etc etc ).

My  impression was that they considered it  Ryanair's task; until   ten days ago nothing had been done.

Ah yes I could get a taxi at the airport but although I would not call myself belonging to the riff raff brigade I cannot afford a taxi in France. In any case how could they expect a planeload of tourists to get into town ? Supposing  even one flight a week arrived full , how many taxis,   trips and hours  would have required to take everyone  into Deauville ? 

So I feel that blaming the lack of bookings on this one is  hiding the truth !

Who is responsible for setting up means of transport  anyway ? The town, the airport authorities, the carrier ?

Whatever the answer, a question remains: why , when this essential aspect had not been finalised, Ryanair was allowed to  promote ,  accept bookings and take  money from the public so many months before ?





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[quote user="valmont"]

Who is responsible for setting up means of transport  anyway ? The town, the airport authorities, the carrier ?


I would have thought that it was the airport authority, but that may well be synonymous with the 'town'.

To be honest, the transport from the airport, or lack of it, probably has nothing to do with RA's decision to cancel the service.  When you go with them, you make your own plans and if there's sufficient demand, then an infrastructure of service (like taxis and buses) will spring up to meet that demand. You have to assume that the problem is just what they've said - "Insufficient bookings".

When I saw the press stories back in the Autumn, my impression was that the local Chambers of Commerce etc had been pushing for it, despite some vociferous local opposition.  Evidently, there were insufficient Brits wanting to use the service.  End of story. 

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I think its just a case that there really isn't the demand for a quich hop accross the Channel. one of the first routes that Buzz dropped prior to their takeover by Ryanair was Stansted to Rouen . That was alos beacuse of lack of demand.

I suppose people are happier to drive rather than fly to Normandy because they don't face the long drive South.

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It is just because of the short distance that  not everyone wants and needs to go across the channel by  car , that there should be the by air alternative.

Try and book now with LD Lines and/or BF and see how much you ll have to fork out for car+1  !


I think that  a) it was too ambitious  to start with a three flights a week  and b) it was the wrong choice of airport/destination  (in the middle of nowhere, though conveniently close to my maison secondaire ).


Rouen and Caen would be better choices. At the time Buzz started and then dropped those flights I am sure there was not such a big  tourist market and  the number of  English property owners that we have now (nor  were the Ferry prices so unrealistic ! I remember going across with P&O with car+2 for a w/end for only £15.00 ,  slightly more with BF and as against a flight price of £ 23pp o/w  with Buzz  if I remember correctly).



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The 'olden days' of really cheap ferry crossings were more to do with on-board duty-free sales which subsidised the costs.

There won't be a cheap flights option if insufficient people want to use it, and surely we are now all aware of the environmental impact of air travel, and ought to be looking at less harmful ways of travelling. I don't think that is ferry+car, but it isn't car+aircraft+car either.

You also have to remember that the great majority of property owners who travel a lot (ie second home owners) don't travel light! Have  a look at the cars waiting to board - how many of them are hauling huge amounts of gear?

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Thanks for posting the link. A bit of a shame really but as other posters have said, on such a short route the ferry/tunnel is probably nearly as quick, except for those who live near Stansted and Deauville, and no opportunity for bringing across the toolbox, step ladders, planer-thicknesser, furniture, chainsaw etc in the hand luggage. Consequently it's probably not that surprising that the demand isn't very high. I know from my own thoughts that I'd seen it as being an option for visitors who we could pick up from St Gatien but not really much of an option for us.

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