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New build on adjacent greenfield site!!!


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Our neighbouring farmer has just told us he is planning to sell part of a field immediately opposite the entrance to our drive and about 50 metres from our house. He is selling the plot to another farmer who wants to build his own house on the site, and in addition a second larger building, proposed use not yet specified.  

We are obviously concerned about this idea, we know that farmyards do not make good immediate neighbours and are worried about issues such as smells and noise.  Does anyone know if we have any valid grounds for objecting to this development under French Law?


Stefan (09) 

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I would have thought that if he was planing to build a house then he probably has the go ahead by now. As the land does not belong to you then there is little you may be able to do apart from buy the land yourself.

I am sure that he will not be able to do anything illegal on a new build.

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Completely agree with that jc..but we were here first [:)]

We've just met with our neighbour to discuss this issue and it's a lot more convoluted than even we could imagine...off to check up on some planning laws ( and start a new thread).

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So you would have another farmer for a neighbour instead of the existing one?

Apart from the house perhaps being closer than the existing farm/habitation buildings what difference would it make?

I could understand if currently you have a view over beautifull rolling pasture land and they are now going to build a housing estate, although there is probably not much that you could do about that either, or perhaps you would prefer to have just the proposed house having said that you understand that farmers do not make good neighbours?



I have just reread your post, is it that the existing farm buildings are a long way from you and that now you may have a new farm opposite?

How far back from tne road is your house?

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Hi again JR,

I didn't say that farmers do not make good neighbours. Indeed having been born and raised in the UK countryside (deepest Shropshire, surrounded by dairy farms, Dad sold agricutural machinery in his youth) I'm well aware of the pros and cons of the Countryside. I know farmers can be fine as neighbours but I also know that farms are a place of work, and dairy farms can be noisy smelly places - so given the choice I wouldn't live close to farm buildings.

 The existing farm is 200-300 metres from us and has never been a problem. However the new farm is apparently going to contain have a "large structure" erected just over 100 metres from our house.  My guess is this structure is either going to be a milking parlour or perhaps somewhere for the cows to overwinter... I know a herd of 90 cattle as neighbours is not a good thing - but as you rightly say there's probably nothing we can do about it.




Stefan (09)  

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hello stefan, just want to say you have my sympathy totally, even if

you have to live with the new goings on its a stomach churning feeling

when the things that you have been living with, and chugging along

nicely with, suddenly change, and maybe not for the better either, I

truly hope things don't turn out as bad as you are thinking. I often

sit and think how inviremental  health in the uk are worth their

weight in gold. Good luck my friend.

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