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Jet2 new routes for 2008


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In Summer 2008 Jet2 will start new routes: once a week from Leeds to La Rochelle and twice per week from Edinburgh to La Rochelle, good news for those in the north of England and Scotland.


I have been absent from the forum for a while so apologies if  this information has already been posted.

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Wish they would keep the old ones going first.  

Im a bit cheesed with Jet2 at the moment.

We've used the Manchester-Toulouse flights a few times this year and found them excellent.

Leaves Manchester about 7 in the evening and returns from Toulouse 10.30 in the evening.

This means we can have a full weekend at our place in the Pyrenees without having to take any holiday from work.

Just found out that they are stopping this flight at the end of October.

I find this strange as the flight always seems pretty full and as it is actually advertised for skiing holidays in Andorra in the Jet2 in flight magazine.

Only option now is a two and a half hour (if we're lucky) nightmare

drive to Stansted and Ryanair to Pau rather than a leisurely 50 mins to


Why the hell do airlines seem to think everyone that goes abroad lives in the South?

Is there some licensing problem causing airlines to drop flights in winter or some other reason?

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We were in same position until this year with Jet2's sister company Flyglobespan.  They used to fly Edinburgh & Glasgow to Nice (now only Edinburgh) and also stopped from end of October to March!  WHY when the slopes are as little as 40 mins away???  Now Edinburgh continue flights throughout (although only 3 I think a week) BUT ARE THEY EVER ON TIME????????? - Very seldom.  I suppose you only get what you pay for.

The thing that really brasses me off though is how the websites are geared to increase prices as more people search for availability.  We have booked for next May and within a period of 2 weeks (because me, my sister-in-law, brother etc.\) kept going in to search for prices they went up by £20 in 8 days!!!!  Daylight bleeding robbery.

Whilst having a moan - why when they only have a dozen or so seats left on a flight do they cost an arm and leg and no-one buys them so they fly with these seats empty.  Wouldn't it be more profitable to sell them cheaply and put a***s on seats??????????

Perhaps my business sense has gone astray !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
For those visiting Scotland, Jet2 as well as flying from Edinburgh to La Rochelle (late- Spring and Summer only ) also have announced flights from Edinburgh to Toulouse, Avignon and Chamberry. Some initial prices seem low so far.

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The empty seats left late on in the booking process are bound to be expensive, the reason is if you knew that the seat price was going to  reduce the closer you got to the traveling date when would you, and 100 plus other people book their flight? As an aside I wish knew my work pattern well enough to book more than three weeks ahead...250 Euro booked "on the day" is my record for this year [:'(] 

As for a £20 increase on a fare being robbery, I wonder what the "original" fare was? - with the price of aviation fuel these days most LoCo fares, even when into three figures are exceptionally good value when you consider how expensive it is to operate an airliner and run an airline.. and when you start hearing on this forum and elsewhere of fares where the three figures are pence it might be time to worry about the longevity of the route.

(late edit to add) briwy: Routes and timings change on a seasonal basis due to slot allocations at the airports (unlikely in this case) or more likely it's because the airline thinks it can make more money over winter using the crew and aircraft on a more lucrative route.....



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Hmm, I see what you mean val.

The site shows flights starting in May, no prices or details up yet though.

If its like last year from Leeds there were only two or three flights a week and very expensive compared with the Manchester flight.

Still, better than nothing I suppose, just hope someone else will take on the Manchester/Toulouse route.

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I've been asking around and the rumour on the (aviation) streets is that Jet2 is moving much of it's operation over to LBA with effect from next Summer so Manchester's loss may be Leed's gain. Sorry if that's bad news for those West of the Pennines, and I emphasise at the moment it's only a rumour.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it looks as if you want to use Jet2 to get to Toulouse next year you're stuffed .

I've just had an email from them showing the Manchester routes and Toulouse is definitely off.

Still only two flights a week from Leeds as well so it looks like the drive to Stansted is back on.

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