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P&O Ferries

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We have all learned that P&O appear to be in a bad shape due to passengers being locked at home.

We booked our Hull-Zeebrugge crossing in January (crossing on 18th June). I have contacted P&O via Email (all their telesales people have been furloughed and phone lines no longer manned ....) who advised me the crossing on that day was still going ahead and when queried about the fact that their Website wasn't selling crossing for that same specific day, they replied stating that existing bookings would be honoured but they aren't taking any new bookings.

A week ago, my wife wrote an Email to P&O enquiring about purchasing a ticket for that crossing of the 18th June. P&O's reply a good week later was that Hull-Zeebrugge route was not operating for the moment.

Strange they appear to be giving such different answers.

Your thoughts ? Are P&O o n their way out ??
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 I too would like to know what is happening.

I have looked at their site and it doesn't look like they are taking any bookings for private passengers as it says that there is no sailing for several of the dates I have looked at.

And I suppose, you like me, would like to know if the ships really are sailing, because I can imagine that changing from Freight, which I suspect they could be transporting at the moment, it would be easy enough to open to passengers and cars.

As I often have a 'different' way of looking at things, one of the ships that travels between Hull and Zeebrugge is docked in Hull docks at the moment, the Pride of York. I have put a live link below, and maybe you can look later maybe an hour after it should be sailing and see if it has left for Zeebrugge. You can also look up the boat concerned on this site. So the Pride of Bruges and Pride of York will show where they are and if they are sailing.

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Many thanks Idun. I have the same App for flight tracking, never thought it would exists for maritime traffic ....

Pride of York Still berthed at 18h15 UK time. Will check later on. I did read somewhere that P&O were concentrating on freight transportation but to Zeebrugge and back ? I don't know. I might call the Port of Hull tomorrow to ask the question. Anyway, at this moment in time, my wife would prefer we went via EuroTunnel and this would be later on than previously booked (with a stopover at the children in Welwyn Garden).

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Eric, stopping with your children would be against current government requirements.

This is the page on Eurotunnels website giving the reasons that French officials will allow entry to France otherwise you will be turned back:


Oh and this on the BBC News website:

'The European Commission has called on all EU member countries to lift their border restrictions by the end of this month and allow passport-free travel across the bloc.

The virus situation was "fast improving", according to Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson.

"We are coming very close to a situation where we should lift all the internal border restrictions and border checks," she told broadcaster Euronews, adding that "a good date should be the end of June".

She also said she was happy to see that EU members were already easing border controls.

Across Europe, countries are phasing out their domestic restrictions and some have begun to reopen borders over recent days. There's no indication yet as to when the EU's external borders will reopen.'

The last paragraph is important as the UK is no longer part of the EU and therefore external to the EU.
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I believe this is incorrect, as the Withdrawal Agreement is in place, and for travel the Uk is still regarded as in Europe, though people from the UK who do come will have to quarantine when they return as from 8 June.  But all this is likley to change by the end of June, and I know people who are talking about coming down to their holiday homes soon.

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Judith you may be correct:


which states that the UK has left the EU but it does say:

'There is now a transition period until the end of 2020 while the UK and EU negotiate additional arrangements.

The current rules on trade, travel, and business for the UK and EU will continue to apply during the transition period.'

However, in light of the fact that EU countries closed their borders to other EU countries - which to my understanding is 'not permissible via the open borders policy' could this change be used to bar people from the EU.

BBC News is reporting:

'France is also hoping that tourists will return and is pushing a plan to lift all the borders in the Schengen passport-free zone on 1 July.'

Also Spain is saying:

'Spain plans to reopen its borders on 1 July only to neighbours France and Portugal. It is not yet ready to open up to other countries, so any attempt by the EU to co-ordinate a reopening will prove tricky.'

the UK is not in the Schengen zone.

I am keen to get over to France but until there is proof that I can enter France without a problem I would not just turn up but check with the French embassy that I will get in.
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To save looking up the Eurotunnel site this is what it states:

'Travel from the UK to France:

Our passenger shuttle services continue to operate. Please check carefully before travelling to Folkestone, as you may be turned away by the French Authorities if you don't have a completed attestation stating one of the following reasons to enter the country:

French nationals (with spouse / children)

Going home to a main residence

Essential work in France

Medical staff

Visiting / transporting your own children


All travellers to France are required to complete an Attestation de déplacement international PRIOR to travel. Click here to find it. Alternatively this document can now be completed here and presented digitally on your phone so you don't need a printer.
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Dear Sc...ing PaulT. We are all well aware of the government recommendations and safe distance reunions. If it's ok for Dom Cummings, it will be ok for us !

As for the reopening of EU borders ..... UK is still following EU rules at least until end of December 2020. If France and other EU countries open their borders by 15th June as mentioned, all will be well with French border controls in Dover. If the date of 15th June becomes late June or early July, read above.
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Eric I will not comment further on your not following the rules.

As for the borders, if you read what I posted about these that normal EU open borders do not currently apply. Countries are proposing to 'selectively' open their borders and the proposal by France is to open to schengen countries only of which the UK is not a member.
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[quote user="NickP"]Have I got this wrong, I've always had the impression Eric was a French citizen ?? although living in the UK. Forgive me if I'm wrong, I often am. ??[/quote]

This is correct NickP and as stated above, the EU borders (when they reopen) will also be valid for GB travellers (who will be required to isolate for 14 days .... in a place of their choice)
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B in B .... You are mistaken at minima for The Netherlands (see this link, 2nd paragraph down) https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/netherlands/entry-requirements

Any person from the UK can travel throughout The Netherlands whilst respecting the safe distancing etc.

And as the post was mainly focused at France, why do you bring NL and Cyprus in the discussion, you could have mentioned China too .... ..... Start your own post and please, do not confuse people here.

I am just very annoyed at posters who do not check facts !

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Quite simply because you made the broad statement that Britons would be free to enter the EU. That is not the case. I certainly wouldn’t be booking any tickets to France before the French government makes its final decision on which borders will be opened and who will be allowed over them.

Personally I would take more notice of what the Dutch government has said than what the British government says as well.
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Curiosity about the ferries has meant that I have kept an eye on the Pride of Bruges in Rotterdam at the moment and Pride of York, currently in Hull.

Neither have moved for a few days, so what hope for you crossing Eric?

I would have imagined that they would be transporting freight, but apparently not.

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At the risk of stating the obvious, both ships are currently laid up - neither has moved for some time (April).

There is a Hull - Zeebrugge freight service operating, but using different vessels.

IMO, you won’t see any real resumption of passenger travel services (whether air, train or ferry) until the French border reopens for UK visitors and the UK quarantine rules are relaxed. I rather doubt that either is on the immediate horizon.

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I had seen that too, but as there has been some relaxation of the 'rules'. I think that keeping an eye on their movements was an option.

Also Eric had not been actually told that they were not running, which seems very unfair to me. Wouldn't have hurt to get in touch with passengers.

I know freight is running, I see the vessels on my, almost daily, Boris walk[:D]

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Thank you Idun for looking into it and Gardian for theconfirmation. I sent another Email yesterday asking them to confirm if my crossing was going ahead or not (I am 99% sure of the situation) but they do need to tell me what's going on (and I do not want a voucher ... !!). Will let you know when I know more.
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Eric ........

I have no doubt that your 18/6 sailing won’t happen - presumably they’ll inform you of that sooner or later.

If P&O cancel the sailing (which they almost certainly will), then you have entitlement to a refund in full. They will doubtless offer an e-credit and its for you to decide whether to accept that or insist on a refund. If it was me, I’d go for the latter.

As to when you may be able to travel ......... who knows?

Lest anybody should think that I’m being ultra negative, I have family wanting to come down here in August, but we’re hopeful rather than certain.

My very personal guess is 1st Aug for Brits being allowed in to France. The ‘numbers’ aren’t coming down fast enough for the authorities here IMO. Things change by the week or even day though - more than happy to be proved wrong.

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Situation up-date.

Hello all. Sent P&O a short Email on Monday 8th June quoting my rights and as per EC directives xyz I requested a refund in full within 7 days. I also stated that for clarification, I didn't want a Credit Note or anything similar.

Received an Email from P&O this morning advising me that my Credit Card would be credited with the full cost of the ticket. For information, yesterday, I also contacted my Credit Card who confirmed they would reimburse me if P&O didn't play ball.
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I agree idun ..... this crossing worked very well for us allowing us to arrive Laguepie very early evening on the following day. The best return journey for us was to drive to Caen for an overnight crossing.
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