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Excellent TV series on France 2 about WW2


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I watched the first two instalments on Tuesday of 'Apocalypse' a series of documentaries about WW2.

I was a bit unsure because the publicity before was rather sensationalist, but in fact it is a compilation of original footage from the period delicately coloured to make it look astonishingly recent , with a sober voice-over commentary in French which seemed balanced to me, who am not a professional Historian.

I would strongly recommend the rest of the series which is being shown on Tuesday nights at 20:35 on France 2

There is a site to accompany the series which gives background information and several clips from the programmes:


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I think that I saw the first one about Hitlers rise to power and the build up to the war but it was a couple of weeks ago, perhaps it is being rediffusé or maybe it was a similar pogram to coincide with the 60th anniversary, in any case it was very intersting to view the war from a different perspective and I will try to watch the rest of the series.

When I was travelling in Melanesia I read a few WW2 books which naturally concentarated on the war in the Pacific and SE Asia and I found them fascinating, it might has well have been a  completely different war being endured by the population compared to that of Europe, the only common factor being the Commonwealth and American troops.

Norman, knowing that you are a Freenaut I want to mention a TV function that I found par hazard when I dropped the telecommand.

It started what looked like a self destruct countdown except there were two timers, one real time and one elapsed, it took me ages to be able to get rid of it but what I had actually stumbled on was the facility to pause live tv, to make a cuppa or if the phone rings and carry on watching it after the pause without missing anything, I foirget what it is called in English but i think the new sky boxes have it.

I am sure that it wasnt mentioned when I read the manuals and that it has come grace à a recent mise à jour. Did you know about this feature?

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Time shifting, yeah thats the word, now how do you say it in French?

Recording is very easy on the Freebox or would be if they didnt keep changing the menus, I think that you press and hold down the button with a red dot to instantly record or choose the menu option in the TV guide for impending programs up to a month or so ahead.

Time shifting is currently accessible by pressing the button with the pause/play logo on it which also fullfills the same function when watching recordings.

All in all I am blooming impressed with the Free offering especially at the price and am really surprised that no-one else on the forum has subscribed to it, I wonder if it is the sheep mentality? As in there99.99% of the English customers my area use the same garage/bank/insurance company  or perhaps that most forum users are too far from the exchange to benefit from the services?

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And because the Free offer is really only for French TV programmes. Apart from Sky News and Al Jazeera International there isn't much in English..

I also like the fact that there is the possibilty, via the 'freeplugs' that came free with my free box to send the TV signal via the mains to any mains socket in the house, getting rid of the need for wires or wifi signals..

Is 'time shifting' 'Contrôle du direct' in French?

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[quote user="Chancer"] I forget what it is called in English but i think the new sky boxes have it.[/quote]

For info, its called "live pause" on a sky+ box.

Unfortunately I was busy when the first programme was on, but hope to catch up with it next week, and would certainly buy it if it came out on DVD.

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That has upset me, I didnt get any free Freeplugs with mine but I dont think that they were being made then, I can buy them which seems a bit off for a Freeplug especially as yours were gratuit [:@]

I remember laughing at myself when I found out that the I could not watch the channel Free Home Video without paying each time!! [:D]

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