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70th Anniversary of Saint Nazaire Raid 28th March

just john

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70th Anniversary of Saint Nazaire Raid | On 28th March 1942 the Royal Navy's HMS Campbelltown mounted a raid on Saint Nazaire dock at what seemed like impossible odds of success

The inscription on the Saint Nazaire memorial reads: “In proud memory of those who gave their lives in the attack on Saint Nazaire on 28 March 1942. They achieved much having dared all.”


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It was an amazingly brave raid, with men keeping the attack going to give the Campbelltown's bombs time to go off, doing so much damage that large German ships could no longer gain access and shelter.

My first visit ever to France was when I went on  a school exchange to St Nazaire from a NE town which suffered a lot of damage, especially to the port. We were told about the HMS Campbelltown's crew's exploits, which all sounded brave; but I don't think at that young age we understood how brave and the sacrifice the men made, along with their families.

There were several civic receptions for us, mentoning great appreciation for the navy, although we couldn't understand much, if any, of what was said - but the teacher in charge translated between speeches. Many older people in the town went out of their way to mention that event.

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