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Swimming With Sharks in 33!

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Twinks, if they know there is a shark there and it is any danger to you they will not let you swim in the sea so don't worry.

Anyway you are a bigger danger to him. If he ate you he would become instantly intoxicated resulting in immediate liver failure.

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One thing to consider is that although quite long, these sharks have limited stomachs and thus will probably not eat you all.  Plus, if they do snack on you it seems you can get some retaliation a promotion at Leclerc (sort of "that'll teach you" as you stand on your one leg in front of your BBQ [Www]).

Don't worry - have a good holiday.


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[quote user="Deimos"]

One thing to consider is that although quite long, these sharks have limited stomachs and thus will probably not eat you all.  [/quote]

Are you implying that I'm a bit of a mouthful Ian?


I will have a lovely time I'm sure in my size 22 itsy bitsy bikini[;-)]



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I live 10 mins away from Soulac (although am in the UK today so I can't meet you Twinkle).  It is a well supervised beach.  In July and August, they have life guards (with rippling muscles etc) checking the swimmers as well as a rescue motor boat out at sea etc.

The shark was spotted (the supervisors were doing their job) and so they sent out a helicopter.  All was well.  Sharks are spotted all over France, including the Med.  I was in north Brittany a couple of years ago and there was one in the bay near St Cast.

You'll have no problem in supervised areas of the Medoc e.g. Soulac, Montalivet, Hourtin, Lacanau etc.  They never recommend you swimming in non-supervised areas, not because of sharks but because of the current and surf.

Soulac beach is a gentle slope and so doesn't have as strong waves as further down the coast.  It is better for serious swimming than the other beaches, where the slopes and waves are steeper.  You'll have a great time, especially jumping over the surf.  Soulac is a pretty town with lovely cafes.  This week, Soulac temperatures were 42 degrees in a friend's caravan and 40 degrees in her awning so you'll go back to Tarn with one amazing tan (if you can resist keeping away from the life guards...). 

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Hi Cathy!

What a shame you won't be there this week!  I've been going to Soulac for the last 10 years - I love it.  The MNS (life guards) are definately a great reason to go to the beach!  They have supper with us at our camp on the last Friday of July so I get to see them close up[:-))]

Apparently the temperature has dropped a bit and the shark has gone on his merry way.  I'm really looking forward to it now.  My daughter's leaving tomorrow morning with friends of ours, I'm working tomorrow night near Toulouse and leaving directly after the concert to be at Soulac for breakfast.

For those of you who are interested I was playing at Marcillac (32) last night - lovely village!

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Yum Yum, Twinkle.  Rippling thighs, tense biceps.  Oh I'm going to stay awake tonight...

Actually, in Soulac, half the life guards are female.

What do band/instrument you play in?

I'm sorry not to meet you.  Next year, maybe?

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Twinkle's a singer! I have heard and seen her -in cybererspace only (sadly).  

If you are very lucky she'll send you the linky thing.

Twinks Rocks! (and 'blues', and 'pops', and croons) I may have made the last one up.[:P]

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Your husband must be gutted pads ......these barstewards who pinch laptops can cause untold damage ........one of the radio therapy machines at our local teaching hospital  was hooked up to a lap top downloading....  and the technician went to the loo and sombody unplugged it  in mid download and off it went ......that caused one hell of a problem ......I would do what they do in Soudi Arabia with then ......they would never again buy a pair of gloves !
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