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Edible dormouse

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AKA Fat Dormouse, Squirrel-tailed Dormouse, or LOIR in French.

Has anyone else had unwanted visitations from these cute little creatures?  One sat in the kitchen cupboard quite happily allowing my son to take photos of it!.  However, having to clean our kitchen from top to bottom on arrival at our Maison Secondaire was not our guests idea of fun .Has anyone got a solution?.....Rat or mouse poison?.....traps, in which case what size? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Ours have caught 2 in the last 24 hours!

They are lovely little creatures though, and i like to see them. Also they don't seem interested in coming inside the house. (Loirs that is, not the cats!)


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Oh yes, they will come in the house.  We rented a gite one year when my Mom came over for holiday.  She swore up and down that something was crawling on her during the night.  No idea if it was true as I hadn't seen anything, but I was upstairs, she down.  Anyway, that was the first night, then a repeat on night two.  After further exploration, it was clear "something" had freshly been into all the foodstuffs the owner had left boxed up in the cave,  even eating into a BIB of wine.etc.  Also, nice presents were left all round.  We had to leave.  I probably would have endured, but Mom couldn't take it.  We were told by locals it was the Loir (not sure how to spell it).  Unfortunately, never got our money back for leaving either.  Haven't forgotten that one.


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