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Marriage certificate translated?


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We are planning a move to France (once the house in UK is sold, although with the market so poor I wonder if this will ever happen!!!! anyway my question is ....We got married in the Dominican Republic 10years ago and the Certificate is not in English, does anyone know if we need to get it translated into English or even French before we move to France?

Thanks for any help on this subject.

Pauline [:)]

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Without knowing your particular circumstances, it's difficult to say whether you'll ever need a translated version.  That day may well come, but I'd be inclined to take that hurdle when you come to it.

Professional traducteurs appear in the 'Yellow Pages' and for official purposes, you're most likely to need someone who is assermente, i.e. registered and who can put their little tampon on the document. Make sure you ask them up-front - not all are, not because they're necessarily any less qualified as a translator, just not registered and have never had the need to be.

It's all a piece of nonsense really, because I can't imagine that these sorts of certificate vary much from country to country. When our Birth Certs were done (and your need for these is much more likely) for CPAM , my 'Place of Birth' was translated from Carshalton to Carshalton and put in the Lieu de Naissance box!  Same with parents' names dates, etc. 

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When we got married our certificate was not in English. When our son was born overseas I was told by the British Embassy that I would need it translated if I wanted a UK birth cert. We got it translated and the translation was attached to the cert by ribbon with a wax stamp. We then moved to Italy where our daughter was  born and in order to get all our documentation we had to get it translated to Italian, however they also insisted on translating the English translation already attached even though it said the same thing. We then had to move to France and had to get it translated to French ( I can't remember why, but we needed it for something). Luckily they didn't translate all the other translations, however our marriage certificate now looks more like a book, it is several pages thick, is all held together with ribbons and wax stamps !!!
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Gardian you are so correct. Places of birth, dates, names of parents - why do these need translating at all? Answer...they do not.

Its all a money spinner. And by the way, the cert only needs to be translated into a 'European' language...meaning English will suffice. We have never bothered with this translation rubbish all the time we have been in France. Nearly five years now.

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We haven't had anything translated either, and it such good fun to hand over my husband's birth cert. and see the look of confusion on the faces of French officialdom!  [6] He was born in Southern Rhodesia (as it was then) as his father was posted there with the RAF after the war, and as he was born outside the base he has a S.R. birth cert.  
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We should have fun then, I was born in Germany but have an RAF birth certificate, as well as a German one a British one and a BAOR one,  my husband was born in Ireland so his is in Gaelic, we were married in Germany but as well as the British and German certificate we were also given an International one, and one of my sons was born in Hong Kong! Should be a challenge translating THAT one.[:-))]

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We should have fun then, I was born in Germany but have an RAF birth certificate, as well as a German one a British one and a BAOR one,  my husband was born in Ireland so his is in Gaelic, we were married in Germany but as well as the British and German certificate we were also given an International one, and one of my sons was born in Hong Kong! Should be a challenge translating THAT one.[:-))]

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