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Meat Free Monday

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[quote user="Dog"]

For all the flat earthers, deniers, deaf /partially sighted carnivores check out the most recent research within this article in Social Worker News.





If I knew that there was life over the horizon and could accept that, or could hear or see the point above the steak that I was about to consume then I would saythat the social workers were against meat eaters because they could not afford to buy meat? [6]

Failing that, I would say that a balanced diet was the best way to go and to avoid food of any kind that had been GMed, fed hormones, insecticided, chemically enhanced and generally mucked about with. BUT meat is a natural part of an omnivor diet and anyone who does not follow nature has to fortify that with man made substitutes.

A dog (?) is an omnivor!!!!! With huge meat tearing teeth!


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JJ it is your choice but dogs and foxes are scavengers and humans have choice to get the best diet.

Vegetarian diet does not need substitutes - the B12 myth is propaganda. Meat eaters just get it secondhand from cadavers.

Feel fitter - live longer and have more energy - go veggie!

Notice the best atheletes do not eat meat...

Do not leave it too long to make the sensible  choice.

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

Failing that, I would say that a balanced diet was the best way to go and to avoid food of any kind that had been GMed, fed hormones, insecticided, chemically enhanced and generally mucked about with. BUT meat is a natural part of an omnivor diet and anyone who does not follow nature has to fortify that with man made substitutes.




THIS is the sensible vision!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Todays defensive attitude by people who still eat meat reminds me of the defensive attitude to smoking that people who still smoked had 30 years ago. I suppose the persecution complex stems from the continual drip feeding of information showing that like smoking, eating meat reduces your chances of living longer. Basically, they are and were part of a habit that is dying (no pun intended) in the face of facts that show that continuation of their behaviour will harm them. If you are in any doubt then ask yourself why Governments are increasingly advising people to eat less meat (as they were advising people to smoke less 30 years ago). They don't care about your health, they are only interested in the money they will save by having less people in cancer and cardio wards.
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[quote user="oldgit72"]. Basically, they are and were part of a habit that is dying (no pun intended) Do you really mean it ???? [blink]

 If you are in any doubt then ask yourself why Governments are increasingly advising people to eat less meat  ---> This does not mean NO meat at all !!

 (as they were advising people to smoke less 30 years ago). They don't care about your health, they are only interested in the money they will save by having less people in cancer and cardio wards.  Sure thing[/quote]

I eat meat because I like it, and I will not stop.

I ve been aware for a long time that an over consumption of meat can be bad for the health, I usually have meat once a day.

It 's all a matter of balance.

Vegetarians need supplements, ( even if some people on here say they don't )..

Man is omnivore , and this debate is really becoming boring.

No one should feel persecuted or lecture others ..

We all know people who died of cancer and were veggies, so let's try and be sensible about the whole topic.

No, eating meat does not necessarily mean cancer, and no, being vegetarian does not mean you won't die from cancer.

Let us respect others  and their choices.


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No probs respecting the choices of people different to mine. I also believe that we all have a responsibility to persuade others to do what we consider to be the right thing especiaaly when we believe that doing the wrong thing is damaging to us. I believe that producing meat is environmentally damaging (apart from considerations for the poor creatures who are killed for the pleasure of others) and therefore I will continue to express my views as such wherever and whenever I can. I was merely commenting on the defensive reactions of meat eaters in debates such as this one. I suppose if I nwere subject to evidence that my diet was both damaging to my health and to the wider environment then maybe I would feel the same need to defend my own choices.
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[quote user="oldgit72"] I suppose if I nwere subject to evidence that my diet was both damaging to my health and to the wider environment then maybe I would feel the same need to defend my own choices.[/quote]


Please stop thinking for other people ... !

I don't believe it is damaging to the wider environment, and having meat in reasonable quantities is OK I'm sure.

Meat eaters are simply FED UP with being pointed at.

Eat what you want and please stop preaching ....................

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It seems to me Oldgit that it is you who are being offensive about other normal people who eat meat, but as I said when I first joined the R.A.F. "I may not agree with your opinion, but I will fight to ensure that you can voice it!"

But, please don't try to convince me to go against nature because you will be talking to yourself. Another side of this is where would the natural fertiliser come from if there were no animals to provide it? Chemical would be OK would it? Not for me because with in a couple of decades the chemicals would have burnt the soil out and reduce the crops we need to go along with meat for a ballanced diet. Besides which I get enough chemicals thrown at me without wishing for more.

Me, defensive about the natural diet I consume, no way. I don't need to be.

We collected 6 lovely big pork chops from our butcher yesterday Frenchie. We had them specially cut so that the fat and skin were left on. I will BBQ a couple this evening and I really lok forward to the crackling!! Yum, yum.[:D] Washed down with some of the red stuff, organic of course, from a local château... Not cheap though at 1.50€/litre!

I also tend to agree with you Frenchie, this is now getting boring [:(]

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Yummy yummy those pork chops !!

You know, I usually spread " moutarde à l'ancienne" on pork chops, then grill them or fry them in a bit of olive oil.. delicious to my taste.

I'm going to Britanny soon, my dad's family's there, I will come back with the boot full of organic pork, veg, jam, chicken etc..

Barbecues in august !! [:D]

Yes, the topic is boring, I think we should just agree to disagree...and end of the story   LOL

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John, that must be good... ! Do you live in France full time now ?

I'm having home made mash + green salad, + steak haché from the butcher.

With American mustard, I love it ..

Dessert = plums from the garden.

Now you know everything!!

And tonight?? [:)]


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Now I am getting hungry!

We are going out in a few mins to a crêperie at one of the locks on the Canal du Midi, the éculuse du Herminies, just West of Carcassonne and the only meat they have there are sardines in one of the gallettes. Bloomin lovely place to eat a nice lunch and washed down with a drop of rosé too!

Then the chops tonight!!

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the old guy who died the other day probably had a very simple diet, where meat was a luxury and was respected as such, just like my dad who was as fit as a fiddle until he died at 96 recently.

 I am not a vegetarian, but I do think people generally eat far too much meat, without a care for it's provenance or the way it was reared, fed, killed. Nobody here is advocating being vegetarian- but have one day a week without meat (as well as taking more care about the above).

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Frenchie, those pork chops were the best we have had since we have been here! I managed to get them about as good as they could be apart from the crackling could have had a bit more, but with the potatoes, haricot vert and tiny carrots from the garden it was a feast. We sat on our terrace and listened to "The Three Musketeers", or part of it as we ate.

We have another 4 in the freezer and they will be looked forward to too!

The gallettes were delightful and at one stage we were seranaded by an over weight Kraut that only needed a telephone to listen directing what we thought must have been an E-boat through the lock. It turned out to be a 'Tupperware Tub', a plastic hire boat, that the people on board had trouble throwing a rope 3 yards up to the loud guy on the top. He even had a red kerchief tied round his head [:$]

It is my favorite spectator sport watching the boats being bounced through the locks!![:D]

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[quote user="Frenchie"][quote user="Jonzjob"]

Frenchie, those pork chops were the best we have had since we have been here! [/quote]

I thought of you and your wife enjoying your pork chops !!   [:D]


Strange - I was thinking of the pig that gave up its life for a mere snack.

You are what you eat and I would prefer to be a potato.

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Frenchie"][quote user="Jonzjob"]

Frenchie, those pork chops were the best we have had since we have been here! [/quote]

I thought of you and your wife enjoying your pork chops !!   [:D]


Strange - I was thinking of the pig that gave up its life for a mere snack.

You are what you eat and I would prefer to be a potato.


Couch [:D]

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