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Face to face with a sanglier


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Yesterday evening I was walking in the forrest (64) with my wife and dog. We were walking along a horse track when suddenly were heard rustling in the bushes and an oink, intruged we kept walking and we heard it again and again. We stopped and looked through a clearing and there were some piglets and after a big black head of a Sanglier staring us in the face less than 30metres away.

So not sure if she/he would charge us we walked away fast.

Are they really aggressive or could I have taken a Photo?

Find out next week in France form/ or the Deaths section of la republic.
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Yes, they can be dangerous when with young.

However, about 20 years ago I used to stay at a camping and caravan site in Provence on the edge of  some scrub land. We were frequently visited by a female sanglier accompanied by her young. She would wander around the campsite scavenging. Although people were often apprehensive when she appeared, she was never aggressive and appeared to pose no threat.

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Unlikely they would bother to attack unless you tried to attack or bother the young.

I got within twenty feet of 12 at the bottom of my garden and two years ago was on my afternoon walk when I was attacked by a boar.

Only because I was trying to catch the poor wee beastie as its nose was weeping white stuff and its eyes were full of the same. He was about 8 kilos and in a bit of a mess and the hunters had either killed his mother or he had been abandoned as diseased. I did worry in case an adult was about. He squealed and wriggled at first - sadly in ten minutes by the time I got him home he had expired.

I was going to take him to the vet - apparently you are meant to contact the local hunters but that seems a rather strange thing to do.

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I envy you, Gyro. We live on the edge of (well, actually more or less in) an oak forest. The place is full of sangliers and we hear them all the time, rustling around. When there's been snow, I've seen their prints (they head down to the stream at night to drink).

Have I ever seen one?  Nope.

Saw a pair a couple of years ago crossing the minor road, some 10kms away, but that's it.

Oh, and they eat my veg.  

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Its quite daunting when walking your dog through the woods, I mean what do you do.

Stand your ground

Climb a tree

Run like hell (how fast can they run?)

If they catch you are you fu**k*d.

All I can think of is the line from the movie Lock stock and 2 smokin barrels "Raw flesh to a Pig is like curry to a pisshead"

May be wrong on the movie but ya get my drift.
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There are lots in the woods around here. They do a lot of damage to crops as they root around and dig stuff up. I would definitely avoid them if they have young.

The only time I've seen one was when a sanglier ran into the side of our van one dark rainy night. The impact was massive [:'(] Made me wonder if they are deaf or nightblind as it just didn't seem to have seen the vehicle.

I managed to drive home, and went back the next day to see if it was still there, but it wasn't.

So do look out for them on the roads.

ps One person I told about this said "didn't you get out and see if it was alright?" - I didn't dare!

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Dad's neighbour took friends to see the cute sangliers near to the house they were renting at that time. His "cute" opinion changed when he received the repair bill. Seems boss sanglier took an instant dislike to his car and rammed it repeatedly while he reversed with shocked guests back up the forest track.

I have only seen one in the flesh on my plate. No complaints at all.


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A few years ago, one run in front of me as I was driving home in the evening. I was doing about 75kph and I hit the poor thing head on and it was killed instantly. It was an enormous beast and lots of people stopped to have a look. I think some of them were chasseurs and were quite envious that they had never caught one so big! The gendarmes eventually took it away supposedly to be donated to the local maison de retraite. Someone said I should have sold it - might have paid for the damage to the car. It turned out that, because the accident happened on a Tuesday which isn't a hunting day, I couldn't claim on the insurance of the local chasse. Since then I have encountered others running across the road - luckily I haven't hit one.
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When I walk my dogs in the forest ( which I often do), I always think a wild boar might cross our path, and I'm apprehensive.. My relatives always say " Nooooo   it wouldn't happen" .. Well, the OP proves it could, and yes, what should one do ?????
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[quote user="Frenchie"]When I walk my dogs in the forest ( which I often do), I always think a wild boar might cross our path, and I'm apprehensive.. My relatives always say " Nooooo   it wouldn't happen" .. Well, the OP proves it could, and yes, what should one do ?????[/quote]

Carry some apple sauce and a carving knife for security [kiss]

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