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I posted this shot of a proud mum on another thread recently.


and now we have......................

Five little bundles of fluff.



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Arrghh - lovely. got a barnfull too- both house martins and swallows. Is that a very recent photo - in which case she is leaving it a bit late. Wonder if it is a second brood?

I just love their constant chatter and flying just over my head in and out of the opening we made for them.

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Their flying skills are just amazing to watch. They zoom into the garage, swerve round me (I'm working on my bike) and land on the light fitting just above my head. They know me now and show no fear whatsoever.



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One or two of them find their way into my building every year and fly around dementedly trying to escape, I think that their ancestors must have nested there or else they live for several years and its the same ones returning.

This year I disturbed what I thought was one late in the evening in the semi dark, it seemed more acrobatic and gracefull than usual and didnt seem to have any fear of bashing into the walls or my head and would leave evasive action untill the very last moment.

Once my eyes had adjusted to the light I realised that it was a bat [:-))], I stayed there entranced for about half an hour as it was realy fascinating to observe, opening the windows etc didnt seem to entice it to leave and I think that it was quite hapy t be hunting in the inside, it either found its own way out or I havnt yet found its roosting spot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nearly ready to go and its getting very crowded. Originally 5 but now only 4, no sign whatsoever of the missing one.

Mom and Dad still feeding them like crazy. [:)]



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Hey !, get off my bike.[:D] thank goodness I put the cover on.

Sorry its a tad out of focus, but I had to just take a quick shot due to the fact they they are dashing around like kamakazis.



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