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What are they spraying (dieing of) near you?

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We live not far from Ruffec and we lost a dog last year, she died of unknown causes. Two of our French neighbours also lost dogs within a week of each other, one of them only 2 years old. They swear it was due to what the farmers were spraying on the fields!

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An organisation called Agrican is doing a longterm study of the risk of cancers among agricultural workers.  Started in 2005, and the first results were to be out last year.

If you Google     étude Agrican       you will find the link. I haven't managed to find the results yet - but in the last bulletin of La Ligue they reported that there had been established a link between exposure to pesticides and the origin of certain cancers among agriculteurs. They can develop anomalies of  their génome which can be the origin of cancer.

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