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weird dream or true?


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Your French is coming on really well and very quickly, don't worry about the strange dreams it is all part of the process of really learning and shows how hard you are trying.

They get really intense when you finally go native or undergo immersion, do you also have conversations with yourself in your head in French? Go on you can admit it, I will understand, perhaps everyone alse will think its weird but I will understand!

I just spent a weekend in England, the first for several months with my non English speaking French girlfriend which I found even more tiring than my first week of immersion in France, in fact I am still tired and having problems adjusting back to (non english speaking) life here.

If ever you get the chance I recommend that you do an immersion course, a lot of the French universities do them in the summer break, I have not had the chance but did do one in Spanish, in Quito, they are worth several years of normal study in my opinion but not for the faint hearted.

Keep up the good work!

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I dont have conversations with my self in my dreams , but sadley in real life, i can be heading for a counter in a shop here in the UK, to ask for some thing and I thinking what to ask in french by the time I open my mouth I havnt a clue what to say in english anymore, plus I listen to my Ipod at work and mummble to my self all night, if a work colleage wants to speak to me, I stare blankly at them and dont have a clue what they are saying. I will have a look for any courses that might be going on at the local colledge as Im to rual for any universities. Last year though all the local ones were cancelled due to lack of interest...........! But one good thing came of it was that I met my teacher that way.

well im back to talking to my self in a corner[:D]  

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