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weird dream or true?


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As I have started to have weird dreams about my french classes, I cant remenber if I was really told this or weather I dreamt it BUT

If some one says to you .

Vous avez du vin et des cigarettes dans votre valise ?

and I answer

Non , je n'ai pas du vin, ni des cigarettes 

Am I meant to change the du des ? if so why ?

Also:  eau de toilette is the whole thing fem or masc , is there a clue in the de in the middle , but if I want to say some toilet water [:)] is it:  de eau de toilette or de la eau de toilette ? [blink] 

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because vin is singular and cigarettes plural....  The article agrees with the noun.  If feminine singular it would be de la  .. as in de la viande..

EDIT : Or, better to say:  Non, je n'en ai pas...  ( I have none of them/it )

Sorry, I see what you meant now!  Cat's right, of course.

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Poor you Pads, but no, you didn't dream it.

If talking about quantaties or negatives, you don't use du or des, but de or d' + the noun.


Je prends du vin (I'm drinking some wine)... but...

Je prends un verre de vin (I'm drinking a glass of wine)... and...

Je ne prends pas de vin (I'm not drinking any wine)

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You've hit a good one here Pads.  I hope someone will explain, as it's complicated and there are things I've never been sure of myself.  Yes, it's

Je n'ai pas de cigarettes

not je n'ai pas des cigarettes.


Now can some Frenchie please explain to me, should it be

J'ai de belles photos à vous montrer, or

J'ai des belles photos à vous montrer

or can it be both ?

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I'm no Frenchie, but I think that strictly it should be

J'ai de belles photos à vous montrer  (because the adjective "belle" proceeds the noun).

If the adjective followed the noun you could use des, as in J'ai des photos intéressantes à vous montrer

So it would be either J'ai des photos à vous montrer or J'ai de belles photos à vous montrer 


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I think that is why I have strange dreams about my lessons , because of the ways the threads go from one thing to another and thats what my dreams do. and then theres a little Micheal thomas Thrown in to them to, as I'll dream things like Im being told that all words starting wil L always have 2 TT's and mean the same thing [blink] trouble is when I wake up I cant remenber whats real and whats not . while doing my lessons I have flash backs to my dreams , its all getting very confusing . I think maybe I do to much and then I go to bed with my I pod on until I fall asleep with micheal thomas in my ear !![8-)]  
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