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déjeuner du matin?


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déjeuner du matin ..... is this another way of saying le petit déjeuner ?


sans me parler = without me to speak , does this mean: he didnt speak to me ? or he didnt say anything


J'etais trop avance or tôt , si or ainsi je suis revneu ?

Many thanks    

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I've never heard "le déjeuner du matin", but that does not mean the expression is not used...

  • sans me parler = without speaking/talking/saying a word to me
  • sans parler = without speaking/talking/saying a word
  • J'étais en avance, alors/donc je suis revenu(e) plus tard

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Ah, I know that poem, we used it in our French lessons as an example of the passé composé.  I wouldn't say I was clever, but I'd translate it as...


He put the coffee

In the cup

He put the milk

In the cup of coffee

He put the sugar

In the white coffee

With the little spoon

He stirred

He drank the white coffee

And he put down the cup

Without speaking to me

He lit a cigarette

He blew rings

With the smoke

He put the ashes

In the ashtray

Without speaking to me

Without looking at me

He got up

He put his hat on his head

He put on his raincoat

Because it was raining

And he left

In  the rain

Without a word

Without looking at me

And me, I put

My head in my hands

And I cried.


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He poured the coffee

In the cup

He put milk

In the cup of coffee

He put sugar

In the café au lait

With the small spoon

He stirred

He drank the café au lait

And he put the cup down

Without saying a word to me

He lit

A cigarette

He drew circles

Of smoke

He put the ashes

In the ashtray

Without saying a word to me

Without looking at me

He stood up

He put on

His hat on his head

He put on

His raincoat

Because it was raining

And he left

In the rain

Without a word

Without looking at me

And I lowered

My head in my hands

And I cried.

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[quote user="cowoman"]

Thankyou so much .That is soooooo sad.


He is obviously out of love and right up himself


or is he still in love and it hurt him to much to look at her , and she was crying because she knew what she was letting go but had no choice [;-)]

theres always two sides to a love story

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How odd, I'd never thought of it as a love poem, just a terribly sad story of two people not speaking.  Isn't the author a bloke though, so if it's a love story it's the man himself crying, and (probably, but never assume) the woman leaving without a word?

Edit: nope, just re-read it and he is definately talking about another he.

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There are a lot of marriages where the bloke doesn't notice his missus, especially after 25 + years of being together.  That's why a lot of women up sticks in their 50s - because they feel unloved.  I reckon the poet is describing that feeling.

I would translate the title as 'The Morning Meal' rather than 'Breakfast' because it gives the sense of yet another meal where she is ignored.

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Cathy, I swear the OH pays more attention to the dog than he does me.  But, I am quite happy with that.  No longer want to be noticed particularly!  Sad?  Maybe but, to be honest, I suis très contente! 
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I love it when you get given half a story and its left to everyone to make up whats going on. We use to play a party game based on this it was so interesting to see how people picked up on different parts of the story.

They could of had a 3 coarse meal and talked all the way through it trying to solve what ever the problem was and by coffee realised there was no more to say...... so he drank his coffee in thought full silence got up and left the woman who wronged him and walked away, while consumed in guilt she puts her head in her hands and crys at her stupidity    

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Ah you dont live in this house then a tipical breakfast here porridge/cereal, plate of fruit , toast and coffee.

They could of just had bad hang overs, he was grumpy and she was emotional.

Or maybe he wasnt a morning person and she was pre-menstral [:D]  

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[quote user="Pads"]

she was pre-menstral [:D]  


Or menopausal...  [:D] [:D]

And why did he need a hat?  Was he a gendarme?  We all know that gendarmes never smile and maybe he had a crime to solve and was busy thinking about that?

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