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OU verb help?


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I've just started a French Language Course with OU (L120) and bearing in mind I'm nearly 56, it was a few years ago I left school.

I have been at evening college studying French, but I am having the devil of a job trying to remember the verbs/endings/ past, future and the rest - has anyone got a table/ easy reference to try to help me remember verbs etc? Many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Keni,

I did the same course (Bon Depart?) a couple of years ago and ran it alongside Michel Thomas. I can still hear Michel loud and clear in my head when I'm trying to sort out my verbs. You have to ignore his accent and some people find his two students a bit annoying but for me it helped immensely as I was a complete beginner to the french language (I was 52 went I started!). I would have struggled with the OU on it's own and found that there was only two of us at the monthly tutorials that were actually beginners, the rest (about 14 of us) of the group admitted they knew some french and it was an easy year option for them to gain some more credits towards their degree and so the two of us were embarrassed to ask questions. That said, a very good course to do.

Bon Chance, Chris
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