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Perturber, - prononciation?


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My French has got to a level now that whilst I listen to TV radio etc subtle nuances seem to shout out to me, to do with the way I pronounce or say something, usually incorrectly.

Recently I heard perturber or perhaps une perturbation and realised that I had not been pronouncing or emphasising the R so made a conscious effort to correct myself.

Tonight I was listening to the meteo on Montagne TV (a Grenoble based station) and the guy definitely said ce qu'il va peturber la meteo pendant les prochaine jours, it really shouted out to me in the same way that perturber did last week.

How should it be pronounced? Do some not pronounce the R, is it regional? I must have picked up the habit of not pronouncing the R initially I guess.

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I'd say pèr-tur-bé, with the 'r' pronounced. That at least is what I try and say in beautiful french, what comes out, is perhaps not quite the same, but that'd be my goal.The person on tv may have had lazy or lousy pronunciation?
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