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Sort it out! Deal with it!


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I needed to express this (in writing) today but with la politesse requise.

I had explained the problem then wrote "vous en vous pouvez occuper?" but it doesnt really look right to me, it will be understood by the recipient but how should I have written it.

Vous-vous pouvez en occuper maybe?

I feel there should have been a dash (-) somewhere also.

Would it be spoken any differently?

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Pourriez-vous vous en occuper? (conditional tense rather than straight present) would be the correct word order and would mean 'Would be able to deal with this?' But it's more of a question than a polite request.

I would probably have said something like

'Je vous remercie d'avance de votre assistance/de votre intervention', depending what you are expecting them to do.
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