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I can't think of any occasion when I would have to use that word, Chance.

Your feat inspired me however with reference to the rowing machine.  It's coming up to a month now since I started using it.  This morning, I was in dazed mood (not unusual) and trying to gather my wits about me was in itself quite an exercise.

Thinking about your efforts, I did shift my séant into gear and did the minimum 20-minute target that I have set myself.  That's fine for today because it's keep-fit tonight.

Thank you for your fine example.

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I have pain it the surface of both kneecaps, runners knee apparently, seemingly be being sensible, continuing to exercise within limits it will get better of its own accord and presumably be more resistant next time.

I am a great believer of the bodies capacity to heal especially during sleep, normally just one night is enough, it does highlight a big difference between me and my French compatriots, I just back off a bit and things rapidly get better, every time I get an injury like this they all expect me to stop training and even be off work for 6 months and are incredulous when I am back to normal in a couple of days.

They go to the médecin get prescribed loads of painkillers and anti inflammatoires, go off for CAT scans then have kiné séances lasting 6 months minimum all of course paid for by the Secu and their mutuelles, at the AGM soirée last Friday pretty much all the conversation was about whose kiné is better than the others, what médecins they are taking, how many people are off with injuries etc.

They of course think my drug free batural approach is crazy, I think pain and swelling is natures way of telling you to stop over_reaching yourself, why would you want to block pain and reduce inflammation so as to risk doing more damage? I guess they wont because when they are told to do nothing they obey it to the letter.

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You got me scratching my head now, médecin, médecines, médicaments.

So I think you go to the Médecin, who may work in a cabinet de médecine and who will prescribe médicaments.

I am guessing that my mistake must be the pluralisation of un médecin? [8-)]

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Got it now, I had only seen my first correct use of médecin, the second médecins looks like I missed the "e" but this effing operating system of mine keeps autopi55correcting, adding accents to English words like médecines that my tired old eyes cannot even see and adding random capital letters at the beginning of words, its a well documented problem with Windows 7 when you write in a different language to the operating system.

I wouldnt mind but this text that I am writing is covered in squiggly red lines where its asking me do I want to correct words to French spellings and accents so why it auto-corrects others and adds capital letters I dont know, I leave spell check switched on because I need it for all my other correspondence which is in French.

Here is the first paragraph with the spellcheck corrections, this will be some Franglais [:D]

Goth ite nos, I hadj onlay sein m'y first correct use of médecin, the second médecins looks l'Ike I misses the "e" but thés affin operating system of mine képis autopi55correcting, ad ding accents to English Worms l'Ike médecines Tahat mye tire gold oyes canote aven Sée and ad ding radome capital lettres at. the bégnine of bords, itsa a Wella documenté problème Witt Windows 7 Wien youp white in a différente langage to the operating system.

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[quote user="Chancer"] ... its a well documented problem with Windows 7 when you write in a different language to the operating system.[/quote]

Apologies but I cannot agree with that statement at all.

My present laptop is a secondhand French Win 7. It had been used for over a year when I bought it.

Using it I have added all kinds of English and French programmes and websites and write all kinds of everything in both languages every day with no red lines, nor any surreptiously added accents, appearing in either language.

For example I have not had any problem at all installing French Office (came with

the laptop but the previous owner had not installed or registered it) and then using it to write in any language I care to use.

There is something in the set-up of your machine that is imposing this state of affairs on your usage. It is usually down to something very simple being ticked (or unticked) in the set-up which can make the difference between user control or your computer ruling your usage.

My sympathy is with you as it must be horrible struggling with your present set-up.

Is there not someone you know who could look at the problem for you ?


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Nobody [:(]

I mentioned well documented because when I did a Google search it brought up loads of people with the same problem none of them having found a solution.

From memory what was common amongst us was not perhaps it being a French operating system but having chosen more than one language somewhere in the settings, it always seemed to happen to people with their computer set up to one language when they were writing in another, usually theie mother tongue.

It was OK before Windows forced an upgrade on me or maybe it was I.E. cant recall, I know I wasnt asked, eveything just changed, I have my spell check in Open office set up to French as thats what all my letters etc are written in, before the spellcheck dint function on forums, now it does, I'm not going to change the language each time I go onto a forum so I just put up with the squiggly red lines, they dont bother me and as I write in Franglais I can correct the French words and learn the spelling.

No what bothers me is the auto-correction, that it does it only on some words, that I dont know it has done so and the addition of random capital letters which it has only done a couple of times on this posting,

Seemingly there is no way to remove this partial auto-correction, I could probably disable the spell check completely but I need and use it for letters and E mails.

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I mentioned that I am reading a page of my colloquial French dictionary every night, well some of the meanings of what I thought were innocent phrases are begining to scare me [:-))]

Maybe the guy has some sort of fixation because this is the second one concerned with an unnatural act.

So according to the dictionary, a phrase that I know I have used before has an altogether different meaining to what I was trying to put across, when I have said to a woman "peut on tourner la page" as in can we start again, can we put that behind us? Well it really means, and I quote:

To turn to sodomous intercourse (to turn over a new leaf where sexual matters are concerned[:-))]

I just pray that the context of the conversation would rule and that we can indeed use "tourner la page" in the normal manner.

Its an interesting but frightening read.

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