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Strange Post Office behaviour?


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If I was to get started on about the local village post offices (3 in our area within a radius of 10km's) and their ineffectual, useless and lazy staff I would surely be banned from this forum. So I won't... as much as I am tempted to vent my spleen[:@]  I drive 27 km's into the city to post anything these days.

Talk about a job creation scheme for College dropouts!

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What can you do with the good-for-nothings that sit behind the PO's desk? In our surrounding villages...nothing! I have never seen such lazy and useless jobsworths in my life.

Here is an example of our local PO. One person mans the PO counter. Up to five people 'work out the back'. This much I know. At any given time of day you can walk into this PO and encounter up to six or seven people standing around the walls whilst one person leans on the counter waiting to be served. Said 'one person manning the counter' more often than not is either on the phone with back to counter; at the filing cabinet with back to counter; staring intently at the new computer recently installed so not noticing person at counter or fed up persons lining the walls; chatting at the door to the back-room with back-room staff...with back to counter.

That's if you are lucky to get in in the first place. The opening hours of our local PO, for one example, are 9am to 11.30am Saturday; the door to the PO is always locked at 11.am so you cannot get in after that time. Even though the stated opening hours are until 11.30. Why? because, on peering through the window, you will notice that a huuuge crowd of THREE people are already waiting to be served and to allow anymore in after 11am would severely jeopardise the staff's chances of bolting out the door at 11.30am sharp.

This was the case throughout the Xmas period recently. The PO during the week is supposed to be open until 4.30pm, as stated on the sign out front, BUT was always locked between 3.45 and 4.00pm to prevent further customers coming in  after that time and creating more work for the oh-so stressed out and exhausted staff. Poor dear things...imagine having to work until 4.30 and then having to spend time locking up afterwards! Several times I tried to post cards and parcels for Xmas only to encounter a locked door up to 45 minutes before the official closing time. I saw one man bashing his fist on the glass window at 4.10pm one day when madam inside refused to open the door even though the PO was suppsoed to be open until 4.30.

What a crock of ****

What lazy people. The sooner France does away with this nonsensical 35 hour week the better. Extend working hours here and pay people to work them. Then teach them HOW to work!


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Its strange how people lap up the Mayle type books about the quirky nature of life in France, but as soon as they move they expect the place to run at a 24/7 metropolitan pace.

Everyone knows that the Post Office closes the door half an hour before end of business, so they get there 35 minutes early. Or wait til tomorrow.

Welcome to La France Profonde.


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My post office is just like yours Jura except that it is only open from 9 to 11.30 during the week as well!

I have also experienced being refused entry by effectively a "bouncer" from a large Maxico-op (superstore) at 10 minutes past twelve, when I pointed out the sign saying open till 12.30 he said that it was for the boulangerie counter.

I tried to exercise my rights to go and buy a baguette but was "assisted" to the pavement, politely but firmly[:)]

They take their lunch (two and a half) hours very seriously in my neck of the woods and anyone that dares to threaten the traditional 30 minute wind down period is either an etranger or has a death wish.

My barber who never ever takes more than 5 minutes to buzz off my thatch was totally insulted when I walked into his empty shop 25 minutes before closing time, I swear that he would have been more forgiving if I had ravished or insulted his wife.

Vive la difference[:D]

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

Its strange how people lap up the Mayle type books about the quirky nature of life in France, but as soon as they move they expect the place to run at a 24/7 metropolitan pace.

Everyone knows that the Post Office closes the door half an hour before end of business, so they get there 35 minutes early. Or wait til tomorrow.

Welcome to La France Profonde.




Everyone knows that the Post Office closes the door half an hour before end of business

Am I missing something here?

Why don't they display public opening time and closing time, or is that too simple!







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And you get this piece of paper to say that you have a parcel at the Post Office, even though you were in at the time but the postie can't be bothered to get out of her car (she posts our mail into our box by mounting the pavement and staying in her car) and you queue for 30 mins to get to the front, only to be told that the parcel has gone back to the "expediteur" because 5 days has expired...

Great, life in France, isn't it?

PS Wooly - how can you post 100 (one hundred!) books?

PPS Where is your brother?

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