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Strange Post Office behaviour?


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A strange experience today in the local Post Office. Can anyone explain svp?
I had two padded (bubble) envelopes to send as I have done many times before. The first contained a CD in a case and the second a book, somewhat thinner than a DVD case. The cost is normally no more than 2€11c maximum within France. The clerk however insisted that these items could not be sent in this way but could only be sent in a PO boxette which cost over 5€ with the stamp and that there was no alternative. If sent as I wished they would be surcharged, despite being weighed and stamped correctly.
Books have been sent this way many times without the slightest rumble.
What prey was this piece of nonsense that she was trying to foist on me? Has anyone an idea?
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Ah but under the current regulations you cannot send a book or a CD as a  letter it must be treated as a parcel.

A letter only comprises written documents or leaflets.

Sous le terme correspondance, s’entend une communication écrite sur un support matériel, à l’exclusion des livres, catalogues, journaux, périodiques et des marchandises avec ou sans valeur commerciale. Consciente que son offre actuelle ne couvre cependant pas toutes les catégories de besoins, notamment l’envoi de petits objets légers et de faible valeur, La Poste propose aujourd’hui la Lettre Max, une offre adaptée en terme de contenant et de prix.


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Quelque soit le format, la Lettre MAX est limitée à 2 cm d’épaisseur et 1 kg de poids total.

MAX1 : taille d’un CD
Format utile : 142 x 135 x 19 mm

MAX 2 : taille d’un DVD / Livre de poche
Format utile : 192 x 137 x 19 mm

MAX 3 : taille d’un cahier petit format (A5)
Format utile : 254 x 175 x 19 mm

MAX 4 : taille d’une BD (A4)
Format utile : 304 x 234 x 19 mm


Tarifs unitaires TTC
FormatPrix à l’unité
Max 13,15 €
Max 24,15 €
Max 35,15 €
Max 46,15 €
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They must have been to a Team Meeting for the New Year!

I'm sure most DVDs get through in the letter post. I often by DVD and Cd's secondhand, and the site's standard charge for a DVD is 2.95 less than the so called cheap tariff from La Poste. Now given the low prices many DVDs sell for I can't see people bothering to sell if they were making a loss on the postage.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]I must have sent 100 books and almost always by the same clerk it has never been queried before.[/quote]

What you need is the nifty machine we have in our PO. You put your envelope on the scales, input where you want the envelope to go to, the machine calculates the amount due, you put in your money and the machine delivers a special kind of stamp. You afix said stamp to envelope and post in post-box - no clerk involved and no interrogation.

Sue [:)] 

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[quote user="spg"]

[quote user="woolybanana"]I must have sent 100 books and almost always by the same clerk it has never been queried before.[/quote]

What you need is the nifty machine we have in our PO. You put your envelope on the scales, input where you want the envelope to go to, the machine calculates the amount due, you put in your money and the machine delivers a special kind of stamp. You afix said stamp to envelope and post in post-box - no clerk involved and no interrogation.

Sue [:)] 


I'm sorry, but technology like that won't catch on down here in the South.  Far too advanced, and besides machines can't scowl at you, can they?

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[quote user="Gardian"]

I'm sorry, but technology like that won't catch on down here in the South.  Far too advanced, and besides machines can't scowl at you, can they?


No, but they can get their own back on you by breaking down ... or refusing to work for some unknown reason, when there seems to be nothing genuinely wrong  with them. Does that sound more like it?


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Sounds almost like my post office. For years we had a woman working there and I posted loads of stuff no problem. 6 months ago she left and a new guy took over. Since then I have visited the post office 6 or 8 times and each time left with my package under my arm after being told it was either impossible to post the item or being quoted a price so high I would have to sell my grandmother to afford it. Each time I get in my car and drive to the next village and post the item there no problem. I don't know if the guy is a retard or just hates foreigners.

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