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Why are we waiting, M le President?


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It's late in the day and I just feel like a bit of mischief-making!

Why was le petit Nicolas late?

Did Carla have yet another change of clothes (we women have been known to do that on a big occasion outing) before boarding the helicopter?

Are the French a punctual people or not (as the case may be)?

Any comments, anybody?  Oh go on, just for a laugh, eh?


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[quote user="Puzzled"]

Carla was there and from the few photos I have seen, she knew exactly where the cameras were!


We watched this on French television and yes Carla was there. Her clothes were very understated and very ...........  err ..................demure.

Whilst we couldn't remember it happening before we just thought they'd added the eleventh minute to the eleventh hour etc. Charles looked very King like and Camila looked, well err Camila like. There was another lady there (local Mayoress?) who could have been Camila's double.

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[quote user="Puzzled"]

Do you think she should wear a hat for these things  or is part of her charm that she doesn't look like Camilla ?[Www]


Can't say I blame Carla for not wanting to wear a dead bird on her head!  At least that's what I think Camilla habitually wears, including to her own wedding (which incidentally might allegedly have been illegal after all).

See, told you I felt mischievous!

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