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That’s a kind thought of your neighbour’s, Mint.

Everything in our garden has/has had more blossom than ever before in the 38 years we’ve lived here - apple trees, lilacs, magnolias etc, plus primroses were outstanding.

But the muguets have really surprised me - most years I dig a few up by the roots and bring them indoors to force them into flower ready for May 1st. This year they’ve spread far further than normal and the amount of flowers is amazing. This evening after clapping for carers I picked a good bunch - such a lovely fragrance.
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I first came across the tradition of posies of muguets in May 1967, when they were being distributed where we were in Paris, around rue des écoles. Ever since then I’ve tried to have some in the house on 1st May.

We have so many flowering this year that I did think of making little posies of them but as I’m not venturing beyond our garden, I decided not to. Maybe next year.
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Well, this year I wouldn't have expected any association to be able to fund raise selling muguets. Mint did say that her neighbour usually left her some though.

I have never had any muguets, other than those I have bought. Felt as if I had to, just like buying the factures or sapeur pompiers calenders.

It isn't as if I didn't have things left on my doorstep though,  bags of various fruits and vegetables, sometimes so much that I would wonder what on earth I was going to do with it all. I repaid these offerings with cake, pastries or bread.

So again, didn't associations sell these to fund raise, in ye olde 'normal' times.

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