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Complete France Forum

lampin n snarin

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Not a lot of lapins in the fields here. The local chasse gets most of them well before the end of the season.

But why bother.Most of the locals keep a few round the back in concrete hutches that have absolutely no locks on them. What's more, these bunnies can't run as fast as the wild ones so ideal for training dogs to do the badger baiting

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Hi Furry K

Padraig asked about snaring labbits

You said


How can anyone harm a thing as beautiful as a Badger? Killing living creatures for fun, I just can't understand it?

My Girlfriend has a badger.


You really should keep off the strong stuff. Aren't you confusing different mammals here? (vbg).

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Experiment over. Well all you who replied to this and other posts by me passed the stereotypical prat test with flying colours.

You assumed that a hapless irish traveller coming over to live in France was a thief and in general a sponge on soceity. You also assumed he was stupid.

This should teach you that things aren't always as they seem and that assumption is the mother of all f***ups.

Old Padraig never stood a chance with the English aristocracy who have already made the move to France. He was even accused of being old outcast. Outcast probably has more moral fibre than most of the posters on this forum put together.

People on this forum should stop judging others and the decisions that they make for their own valid reasons.

A bientot.

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[quote]Experiment over. Well all you who replied to this and other posts by me passed the stereotypical prat test with flying colours. You assumed that a hapless irish traveller coming over to live in Franc...[/quote]

Poor old Paddywack, there he was thinking that he was a smart uss makin alll those spellin mistakes in the mistaken idea that the LF forum was rype four takin the uryne aaat of and thinkin he was a tinker.

For those with a lack of humour or a lack of country knowledge or simply couldn't be bothered to respond, Lamping or in wackypads case lampin (cos his G is missing from his keyboard) is shooting rabbits or foxes by night using a powerfull light to light up their eyes. It was not the usual spellin mistake for lapin as was thought.

Apparently my Irish Gaelic advice was missed by wackypad in my response to his van and caraval question, but then I knew it would be as, in the words of my primary school report "must try harder".

Still for me in any case it brought a little light relief in an otherwise drab start to the summer.

I remember years ago in our high street some shops used to participate in a fun competition by placing one out of place article in their shop window and you had to spot the said piece to win. So its look at the different categories in this forum and spot the oddball.  Rather fun I think.

Beaver, beaver, beaver Bobby Joe now beaver.........Furryknickers.



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Most of us seemed to join in with your "joke" Paddy and now you're the one who's not larfin.

Two men were sitting together (not in a deckchair, on a wall I think).  I have no idea what nationality they were, but it is unimportant.  Please click on if you have already heard this.

The first man was holding a mirror and kept staring into it.  Finally he said "I know that face, I know I know that face, but I can't think who it is".  His friend said "Give me that" and when he looked in the mirror, he exclaimed "Of course you know that face, it's me, you idiot!"

Bon dimanche, Christine

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I do hope Padraig The Troll will be as bored by my repeating this post everywhere he makes his claim to have been conducting an X-periment as I have been by his.

Padraig signed up as a member on June 1st 2005 at 06.40

He took a full 6 minutes to compose his first post.

On June 2nd 2005, at 08.46 I posted this in the Mushroom Wellies Resurrected thread, in the Postbag section. The topic was started by someone else in response to Padraigs posts.

'......It's the low level cunning of these people. They choose this type of persona (worzel, jamaican, traveller), deliberately. After a bit someone gets annoyed and responds

Then they can come back in another persona (or even their own) and say, oh you all think you're so PC and here you are being horrible to this poor downtrodden person who asked for your help. It's designed to sow discord, and to waste the mods time'.

But Padraig failed in his silly troll mission, because he was spotted immediately, and everyone simply laughed at him. For someone with such an enormous ego, he must be smarting at that.

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