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Anyone know how to make .............

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Last night we went to dinner with our French neighbours (it's their holiday home - 2 families in hamlet, me & OH and theirs when they are around).  Anyway, we had the most delicious Gateau de Pomme de Terre which was cooked in their bread oven.

It was a bread like pastry lining a flan tin filled with  sliced potatoes, tuna and herbs (and possibly a light creamy mix of some sort) and topped with the same pastry topping.  Absolutely delicious served with lettuce dressed in oil.

Has anyone come across this, have a recipe they could send me?

I meant to ask for the recipe before they left this afternoon, but in a senior moment forgot to ask and I'll probably forget to ask next time they are over in August.


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I have this recipe if it is any help:

Le pâté de pommes de terre


400g de pâté feuilletée, briochée ou sable

4 pommes de terre moyennes,

2 échalotes

2 gousses d’ail

10 branches de persil plat

20 cl de crème fraîche

Sel, poivre



Tapisser une tourtière de pâté, garnir des pommes de terre émincées, mélangées aux échalotes, a l’ail et au persil haches, sales et poivres; recouvrir de pâte, souder, dorer, ménager au centre une petite cheminée dans laquelle couler, en sortant le pâté du four la crème fraîche



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