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Reporting travai noir and theft of my van


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A so called friend of mine living in the Lot and Garonne region has basically stolen my van (I still have the reg docs), dont know if he has insured it (am i liable in an accident?) and been working doing work there travai noir unregistered. What can I do to get my van back and does any one have the anonymous URSAAF no please.
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You can use the following service to create a letter to lodge an accusation from the UK or France:


You can use the online RAR service from La Poste to print it off and send it.


Is the van insured in your name? You might want to inform your insurance company.

Unless you lodge a complaint, you will potentially be liable for any driving/parking offences committed by your vehicle until you have officially informed the gendarmes of the theft.

If you want to contact the various departments concerned with working on the black, then try the following:

  • les IMPOTS

    il faut vous adresser aux Inspecteurs de la Direction des

    Services Fiscaux du département de l'employeur, vous trouverez

    les adresses sur la page du site Web suivant :


  • l'URSAFF

    il faut vous adresser aux Inspecteurs de l'URSAFF de la ville de

    l'employeur, vous trouverez les adresses sur le site Web suivant




    Il faut vous adresser aux Inspecteurs du Travail de la ville de

    l'employeur, vous trouverez ces adresses sur le site Web suivant




    Il vous faut vous adresser à Monsieur le Préfet, vous

    trouverez les adresses sur le site Web suivant :



    Il vous faut vous adresser au chef de cabinet du Ministre du

    travail, vous trouverez l'adresse sur le site Web suivant :



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[quote user="jack9"]Can't because I am in UK. Also just tried phoning USSAF but would'nt listen, said there was no such thing a phoning anonymously[/quote]

That's true, even reporting animal cruelty cannot be done anonymously round here.

Is the car on French or British plates?  If it's on Brit plates, report it to your local constabulary but if it's on French plates you have no option but to report it to the French authorities.  If French isn't your strong point, have a word with the Consular Office in Bordeaux which covers 47, they may well be able to help you.

Just as a matter of interest, how did your friend actually get the van because that may have some bearing on the best way to proceed with this issue? 

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For the sake of a few quid on a ryanair return ticket I would very strongly suggest going over and confronting the chap face to face and if he wont see reason, then report the crime locally.

Surely your van, your insurance bonus and your local reputation is worth more to you than the cost of the trip and a few days of your time?

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Dave's advice is sound and is probably what I'd do in your position but I think we possibly need to know a few more of the details of the van before advising the best course of action.

Is it French or UK registered and what about any insurance you have for it for instance.

If it's French registered then normally you have to keep it insured even whilst laid up. If you've been a naughty boy and been using it on UK plates and insurance then it's likely to be invalid, either way as the vehicle owner it puts you in jeopardy.

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