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Do you care where your food comes from ?


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[quote user="Dog"]

I have never tried to convert any of these lost souls. You have made your choice and now are bitter about it. I am not lecturing you just digging at your insecurity.



Amen...  [:)]

Franchement les bras m'en tombent.. On nage en plein délire...



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   I am begining to think Dog is a bunch of students out for a laugh with nothing else better to do.......at least he is not looking for a French girl he met on a prom  in Ifracombe and had us all trying to find her for him ...... remember ?.

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[quote user="Dog"]

You flesh eaters get it all your own way - even government subsidies and the Meat Marketing Agency to encourage you to eat death.


The Meat Marketing Board, which I assume is what you refer to, was wound up years ago. More recently the Meat and Livestock Commission was responsible for much of the meat promotion undertaken in Britain. Today that job is split between bodies representing different industry sectors and is funded by the industry.


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Dog - here's some reading for you. 


You remain coy about answering whether you're vegan or not (although asked three times by two people! ... If you did answer and I missed it, then I apologise)

..... but it seems you're not, since other posts of yours refer to enjoying cheese .

I'd welcome your thoughts on the factsheet.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]RH, you are so quiet these days, what has happened to you?[/quote]

Nothing, but I don't want to get involved in this which is not a debate, more a showcase for Dogs blinkered views, people are different I eat meat and fish,  I try to eat good quality food, well and locally produced. We regularly go to a restaurant where most of the meat is produced just 15 miles away..

I use a supermarket which often names the farm on the package of fresh produce. I have no interest in giving up meat or fish, that doesn't mean I don't care where my food comes from.

Mr Russethouse was a veggie when I married him, my working day was longer was his, I made it clear I wasn't going to give up meat and I would only cook one meal. His principals only seemed to allow for someone else cooking for him [:)] That was the end of him being a vegetarian. I did the same to my kids, if they wanted something different to eat then they had to cook it. (they did!) So harsh.....[;-)]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Mr Russethouse was a veggie when I married him, my working day was longer was his, I made it clear I wasn't going to give up meat and I would only cook one meal. His principals only seemed to allow for someone else cooking for him [:)] That was the end of him being a vegetarian. I did the same to my kids, if they wanted something different to eat then they had to cook it. (they did!) So harsh.....[;-)]


Didn't that put you off him a bit?  That his 'principals' could be cast aside so easily?

(I'm sure he's turned out to be a wonderful, caring, steadfast, loyal, exciting husband ... but at the time weren't you a bit, well, not concerned, but you know what I mean?)

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="woolybanana"]RH, you are so quiet these days, what has happened to you?[/quote]

Nothing, but I don't want to get involved in this which is not a debate, more a showcase for Dogs blinkered views, people are different I eat meat and fish,  I try to eat good quality food, well and locally produced. I use a supermarket which often names the farm on the package of fresh produce. I have no interest in giving up meat or fish, that doesn't mean I don't care where my food comes from.



Words of wisdom...

Exactly what I think and do.

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Dog.  I have to admit that I haven't read everyone of the multiple pages of this thread but I think I've read enough to get a reasonable overall flavour (pun intended).

Frankly I don't need to be lectured by you on what I should eat. I'll eat what I want without feeling I need to ask you for your permission. I wouldn't dream of trying to tell you what to eat. That's your business and nothing to do with me. I eat meat and fish, that's my decision so live with it.

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[quote user="chocccie"][quote user="Russethouse"]

Mr Russethouse was a veggie when I married him, my working day was longer was his, I made it clear I wasn't going to give up meat and I would only cook one meal. His principals only seemed to allow for someone else cooking for him [:)] That was the end of him being a vegetarian. I did the same to my kids, if they wanted something different to eat then they had to cook it. (they did!) So harsh.....[;-)]


Didn't that put you off him a bit?  That his 'principals' could be cast aside so easily?

(I'm sure he's turned out to be a wonderful, caring, steadfast, loyal, exciting husband ... but at the time weren't you a bit, well, not concerned, but you know what I mean?)

Not at all, his mother and other women ([;-)]) had simply pandered to him, for the meateaters his mother would cut the fat off and remove the bone from any meat she put on the plates as if the men were babies and couldn't do it themselves.

It was he who got me involved in the LACS

We''ll have  been married thirty years this June, so far so good [:)]

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Sorry - Yes have read the article and was aware of cruelty involved in the milk industry. Many people think cows just lactate permanently.

Hands up I do occasionally eat cheese and a little milk is also used. I certainly don't drink it - but my wifelet uses it when cooking.

It was Gandhi greatest regret that he used milk products on occasions.

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So when you accuse others of hypocrisy, you can put yourself well and truly in the same boat.

I find it irritating that you use such high handed language and attitude, and put yourself on a pedestal, when you are contributing towards terror, pain and wastage just as meat eaters do.

If everybody in the world was vegan, there would be less waste of water, less waste of energy, less suffering and misery (for humans and animals)  and less illness.  But they aren't.  Don't attack meat eaters in such an aggressive manner until you put your own house in order.

I belive you are HARMING the vegetarian cause by speaking in the manner you do. Especially the hypocrisy

Hands up everybody who has been irritated by Dog's words?

Now hands up everybody who intends to eat less meat or fish as a result of them.

Come on Dog - temper your agression.  Nobody is perfect, including yourself.  Don't be hypicritical - your words will have much more value then.

(edit .. what a lot of spelling and typing errors!!   .... I'm tired!)

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[quote user="Dog"]

Have I mined a great vein of insecurity?


[:-))] Oh purrrrlease! Please pass me a needle & thread, I need to sew my sides up.


[quote user="Dog"]

Sorry - Yes have read the article and was aware of cruelty involved in the milk industry. Many people think cows just lactate permanently.

Hands up I do occasionally eat cheese and a little milk is also used. I certainly don't drink it - but my wifelet uses it when cooking.

It was Gandhi greatest regret that he used milk products on occasions.



After all that you've been spouting, you absolute hypocrite! Oh and there, blame the wifelet, that says a lot too.

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[quote user="chocccie"]
So when you accuse others of hypocrisy, you can put yourself well and truly in the same boat.

I find it irritating that you use such high handed language and attitude, and put yourself on a pedestal, when you are contributing towards terror, pain and wastage just as meat eaters do.

If everybody in the world was vegan, there would be less waste of water, less waste of energy, less suffering and misery (for humans and animals)  and less illness.  But they aren't.  Don't attack meat eaters in such an aggressive manner until you put your own house in order.

I belive you are HARMING the vegetarian cause by speaking in the manner you do. Especially the hypocrisy

Hands up everybody who has been irritated by Dog's words?

Now hands up everybody who intends to eat less meat or fish as a result of them.

Come on Dog - temper your agression.  Nobody is perfect, including yourself.  Don't be hypicritical - your words will have much more value then.

(edit .. what a lot of spelling and typing errors!!   .... I'm tired!)

At no point had I denied being a vegetarian. The discussions were mainly on fish and meat which account for more animals being killed. I have no wish to draw you into a prolonged discussion into your ethics and exactly how you run your life. I have never said I was perfect we all fail at times.

As I am sure you realise you can only start with the basics and work your way along the path. How long have you been vegan?

In India there is an argument for keeping cows - what are your thoughts on the vedic tradition?

I apologise for only beging vega - 98% vegan. I have not eaten meat or fish for over 30 years - now I have to remove the 4 or 5 pints of milk a year and the odd cheese in the summer, I don't wear leather.

I do check for isinglass, gelatine and rennet. As I hope you do. I would be surprised if in all honesty you can say you have been 100% vegan throughout ?

I think if I had sat back and not made counter arguments in this thread you would not have made the effort to. At what level do you consider you can agitate or comment?

My temper is zero - my colourful language is mistaken - I can only be myself it's useless pretending to be someone else.

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[quote user="Dog"]

[quote user="powerdesal"]Dog,

I will respond tomorrow, its 23.34 local and  my eyes are heavy.........[:(]



Sleep well and read this when you wake up.



I did not sleep well and I will not read the linked article because I cannot be bothered with this argument ( it now is an argument, not a discussion) any more.

You are Mr Dog, IMO, far too argumentative, arrogantly self opinionated, inconsiderate, prejudiced, insulting and altogether not worthy of any sensible responses because you are blinkered and bigoted.

It is of course only my opinion, to which I am entitled of course.

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[quote user="Dog"]

At no point had I denied being a vegetarian. The discussions were

mainly on fish and meat which account for more animals being killed. I

have no wish to draw you into a prolonged discussion into your ethics

and exactly how you run your life. I have never said I was perfect we

all fail at times.

As I am sure you realise you can only start with the basics and work your way along the path. How long have you been vegan?

In India there is an argument for keeping cows - what are your thoughts on the vedic tradition?

I apologise for only beging vega - 98% vegan. I have not eaten meat

or fish for over 30 years - now I have to remove the 4 or 5 pints of

milk a year and the odd cheese in the summer, I don't wear leather.

I do check for isinglass, gelatine and rennet. As I hope you do. I

would be surprised if in all honesty you can say you have been 100%

vegan throughout ?

I think if I had sat back and not made counter arguments in this

thread you would not have made the effort to. At what level do you

consider you can agitate or comment?

My temper is zero - my colourful language is mistaken - I can only be myself it's useless pretending to be someone else.


I've been vegan for close to twenty years (vegetarian for some years before that), so I know pretty much what to look out for in products to avoid.  Yes, becoming vegetarian is a beginning to a path ... but's it's not helpful  (or healthy) to have that path include the aggression and hypocrisy that you've shown in this thread.

I have no thoughts on the vedic tradition - not something I'm familiary with.... possibly because I don't live in India, or know anybody who follows the vedic tradition.

You seem to be intrestested in having a prolonged discussion into the ethics

of how others and how they choose to live their lives in this thread.  In my view, you've done so in an unecessarily agressive way.

I'm not meaning to attack you personally - I'm sure you're an absolutely smashing fella, who I would enjoy eating a meal with and sinking a bottle or two ... but you have come across as really high-handed and quite unpleasant in this thread. 

Passion is a wonderful thing, but it can sometimes send one a bit overboard.  I think you could have used different language and the thread could have been a really interesting debate and sharing of information, perhaps previously unknown to some.    

And to the meat eaters  .. there really are better things to eat than

fish or meat .... please do so with a thought to what you're eating and where it came from.  And you don't have to eat meat/fish every single day.  Times are tough financially for a lot of people right now ... what a great way to save some cash, eat less meat! [:P]

Anyway, I shall now drop out of this thread now - what seemed to start out as a thread about the ethical sourcing of foods has long turned into something else. 

Enjoy your dinner tonight Dog, I'm sure it will be delicious - and try to be a little less aggressive, who knows, you might even make some converts then [;-)]

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