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Do you care where your food comes from ?


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[quote user="chrisb"]

[quote user="Dog"]There is no such then as a good steak and chips - in the restaurants you go to it probably doesn't even come from a cow. But I'm sure you know that.[/quote]

Apart from your apparent intimate knowledge as to which establishments the worthy banana patronises - can you share your theory about what it IS that's masquerading as steak?

[quote user="Dog"]

I just know you love harrying foxes to death ripping them apart and eating them - if you visit Chinese restaurants you will certainly have had them many times and been robbed as you thought it was chicken


I refuse to believe that anyone could eat fox meat and still think it was chicken. If it were so I'm sure that Hugh F-W and Jamie O. would have told us about it.




This gets sillier and sillier - you rely on celebrity chefs to inform you about food???

When flesh is cooked especially in small pieces it is near impossible to discover what it is using scientific methods.

My contact delivered frozen food to Chinese restaurants and had to put the produce into the freezers on many occasions they had foxes in them. He did ask and the owners laughed and said "good meat I kill an' cheap".

My Uncle at the time a Hospital Registrar had a takeaway that he was sure contained something other than the chicken he thought it was. He had it throughly tested sadly all the tests were inconclusive - how we laughed.

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They are all words taken from French, used by the Normans and not the Anglo-Saxons because the invaders spoke French. The AS's eat very little meat because it was kept for the upper classes, but their word for pig was swein, so logically swein flesch or something like that. Other words in current use probably have superceded the AS words, if they ever existed.

By the way, they did not 'steal' the words, but borrowed and adapted them. Get it right, there's a good little chappie.

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[quote user="Dog"]


My contact delivered frozen food to Chinese restaurants and had to put the produce into the freezers on many occasions they had foxes in them. He did ask and the owners laughed and said "good meat I kill an' cheap".


I'm not saying that your contact might not have been stretching the truth, but how very fortunate for the restaurant owners to have a delivery man who actually packed the food into the freezers, and how clever of him to be able to recognise a skinned and jointed fox in a freezer. 

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My recollections from China are in line with those of woolybanana - predominantly dogs and cats which are sold in the market place in small cages.  Apparently breaking their legs before you put them in the cage means you can cram more in.  Still it reduces the drain on the fish resources.

As for whether fox are vermin - have you ever seen the devastation that a fox can cause in a hen house?  We had 24 chicken killed at once courtesy of the local fox population - they don't just kill enough to eat.  Still I guess the life of a few chickens is of less value than that of a fox.  They also rifle through refuse, spreading it everywhere encouraging rats.  I for one would happily take a shot gun to them.

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Dog, do you really feel so superior because you don't eat meat ? [blink]

Please, stop being agressive ...

You questioned my diet, well, let me tell you I try to have at least 5 veg/fruit a day, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I have my protein from eggs , fish and meat; and I'm probably as healthy as you are.

And I find Wooly's blog fascinating, seen that chapel ?? [:)]


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[quote user="Cat"][quote user="Dog"]


My contact delivered frozen food to Chinese restaurants and had to put the produce into the freezers on many occasions they had foxes in them. He did ask and the owners laughed and said "good meat I kill an' cheap".


I'm not saying that your contact might not have been stretching the truth, but how very fortunate for the restaurant owners to have a delivery man who actually packed the food into the freezers, and how clever of him to be able to recognise a skinned and jointed fox in a freezer. 


I wonder where you got experience of skinning and jointing foxes?

These foxes where whole.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

They are all words taken from French, used by the Normans and not the Anglo-Saxons because the invaders spoke French. The AS's eat very little meat because it was kept for the upper classes, but their word for pig was swein, so logically swein flesch or something like that. Other words in current use probably have superceded the AS words, if they ever existed.

By the way, they did not 'steal' the words, but borrowed and adapted them. Get it right, there's a good little chappie.


You have managed humour.

When I steal your car I will just borrowed and adapt it for my use!

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Dog, do you really feel so superior because you don't eat meat ? [blink]

Please, stop being agressive ...

You questioned my diet, well, let me tell you I try to have at least 5 veg/fruit a day, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I have my protein from eggs , fish and meat; and I'm probably as healthy as you are.

And I find Wooly's blog fascinating, seen that chapel ?? [:)]




Perhaps your diet  affects your memory and makes you paranoid.

Some may say that being part of a gang makes you big and tough.

I don't and never have felt superior how about you?


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[quote user="dragonrouge"]I have a suggestion as against slugging it out on the net and without the ability to see the whites of each other eyes.  Come on Dog lets meet up and see what we are like in reality and to see if we can both take the heat.[/quote]

Crumbs are you looking for a toy boy?

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[quote user="Dog"]


Perhaps your diet  affects your memory and makes you paranoid.

Some may say that being part of a gang makes you big and tough.

I don't and never have felt superior how about you?




Your agressivity shows in almost each of your posts... ................. 

Let's just take a few examples ...... " Myopic behaviour " + " you may be restricted in your vocabulary " + " stick your head further in the sand " + I commit " fishocide" etc etc...

Me feeling superior?? In no way, just don't like being despised .

This is not a debate,it is just you preaching again and again ....   ( and convincing no one...)

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[quote user="Dog"]

Chocccie I'll tell you if I am vegan if you tell what diet you follow?


Vegan.  And you?

[quote user="Dog"]

It hasn't been quite one sided.

I think these people havn't a hope in hells chance of changing their

ways they have always eaten meat and fish and will continue to until

there are no fish left and the seas are a toxic sludge.

Shock therapy may work.

The language meat eaters use is hypocritical and designed to

mislead. They call dead pigs when they eat them pork, dead cows when

eaten are called beef, dead sheep are mutton etc etc. It disguises the

source of the flesh of dead animals, the early english stole the French

words as they were posher and used in the royal palaces.


Your shock therpay doesn't seem to be working with many Dog.  I understand your passion but there are more ways to re-educate people.  You're being pretty aggressive -and again whilst I understand why - your attitude is unlikely to convert anybody - or even have them think more about the ravages some of their food choices cause.

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[quote user="JSA Aude"]Sorry, re foxes -  they are vermin and no-one (least of all Dog) will speak to me now 'cos I used to work and ride first horse for a well known hunt in the UK!!!!!!![/quote]

Yuk, how unpleasant. 

Happily that sort of thing is no longer tolerated.

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There is a saying ''You are what you eat''

I am a carnivore, therefore I am an animal.

You are a vegetarian therefore you are a vegetable.

I have always considered that animals are a higher life form than vegetables.........discuss.

There, that made me feel better [:)]

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[quote user="JSA Aude"]Sorry, re foxes -  they are vermin and no-one (least of all Dog) will speak to me now 'cos I used to work and ride first horse for a well known hunt in the UK!!!!!!![/quote]


Has some good fun sabotaging hunts - beagling was the best when they at least bothered to run after the poor old fox rather than get a horse to do all of the hard work.

Beagling was fun as the hunters were not too fit and you could depart with the hounds and they would blow their fuses and get very irate and red in the face.

Foxes are not vermin they are scavengers and do useful work clearing up the countryside.

Yes if you cannot build a decent secure chicken shed they will happily help themselves but this is no different to corner shops and local tea leaves.

I bet you still remember your first day being blooded - what jolly fun.


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