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Things to do with Cucumbers


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Apart from peeling, deseeding, salting, dilling and vinegaring.  (Not sure if the last two are proper verbs but you get my drift...)

My neighbour keeps giving me cucumbers - they're about 6 inches long, 2 inches in diameter and knobbly. (Please stop giggling[:)] - if you aren't, I apologise for my immaturity...).    I'm the only person who likes cucumber in the family and I am now the proud owner of about 10 of the things.  Can't bring myself to chuck them out - could I pickle them (sliced preferably)?  I am getting bored of cucmber salad/tzatziki etc.  Can't bear cucumber soup.   Really hate cooked cucumber.  But I do love pickles.....

Any ideas?


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I love cucumber and onion in vinegar with roast beef, I was brought up on it in Yorkshire, we had it for lunch most Sundays after the Yorkshire pudding [:D]

You could try pickled cucumbers on http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/food/383080/Pickled-cucumber

or http://www.nigella.com/recipe/recipe_detail.aspx?rid=12376  or http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/pickledcucumber_11033.shtml or this one I found on another site


7 1/2 lbs. cucumbers (slice before weighing)
2 c. lime to 2 gal. of water
9 c. sugar
2 qts. vinegar
3 tsp. mixed pickling spices
1 tbsp. salt

Mix cucumbers and lime and water. Soak 24 hours. Wash several times, put in clear water and change every hour for 3 hours. Mix sugar, vinegar, spices and salt. Boil and pour over and leave overnight. Bring to boil next day and boil cucumbers 30 minutes. Seal while hot in hot jars. makes 4 quarts pickles


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I'm tempted by the crisp pickles - will just reduce the quantities somewhat.

Have fallen out with Nigella - I'm now convinced that technically she is not a brilliant cook - her recipes read well, but don't seem to translate flavour-wise - always a little bland for my taste - I  have to add more flavourings, use proper stock, brown the meat, whisk the elements of a mousse separately (so non-Express!).  But she is very pretty (or burlesque as the OH says - sad old sack!)....

I'm off to pickle a cucumber.....


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[quote user="Iceni"]

I googled "recipe for cucumber chutney" and there seem to be plenty.

BTW as regards Nigella I find it difficult to look beyond the obvious.



Sexist comment alert!

You're a Bloke....... (aren't you?  not that I have any objection etc etc etc [:D])


PS  I know googling is always an option, but I was hoping that someone had had a similar cucumber experience and/or was an expert cucumber pickler and could advise me.  (It's too early for all this you know[:)] 

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[quote user="teapot"]I remember when I was in the middle east they hollowed out cucumbers into a sort of pipe and smoked apple tobacco through them. Never tried it myself as I don't smoke.[/quote]

Have been presented with 6 more - will smoking cucumber make me a relaxed and laidback person?  Or shall we build a trebuchet in the meadow and take potshots at anything that moves (would probably terrify the sheep though).  I made the fatal mistake of telling my lovely neighbour they were delicious - I fear more cucumber gifts.   Or perhaps I should secrete them in the compost heap under the sheep poop?  (Along with the giant courgettes of a couple of weeks ago...)



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