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Do you drink wine every day?


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I could not agree more.Everything in moderation.I am out Breton dancing later so not too much wine,but after I have tired myself out I will have to retire to the bar and have a few just to be sociable.
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I have a couple of glasses most days - pretty much rosé in the summer months, red in the colder months (supporting local industries!), occasionally none, sometimes more. I never drink if I might possibly need to drive later, and have always (until recent years) been very healthy, a very sensible eater and a bit of a beanpole - my nickname involved 'Skinny!

I also had breast cancer, but I can't say I'm totally convinced of the link, as so much also depends on shape/size, amount of exercise taken, amount of fats eaten etc. My mother died following breast cancer, and the most she ever drank was the rare glass of Vaux or Mackeson and a snowball at Christmas;  meals involved many vegetables which Dad grew, and lots of fish. However, she also smoked, which I don't, never have apart from at college.

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[quote user="Russethouse"] There's a big difference in alchohol to excess, and a glass of wine a day.[/quote]

Indeed !! But the title of the thread being " do you drink wine every day ? " well... he drank wine in excess , every day ...

I only drink wine socially, to go with a meal I share with friends.

On a daily basis, water for me .

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[quote user="suein56"][quote user="pachapapa"] the little blue vans of la marée chaussée ... [/quote]
Is that a play on words, as I thought 'the boys in blue' was la maréchaussée?


Your thoughts are very correct see link.


I thought that one would slip through as the two words are correct french, i shall have to try harder in future.

I should really be concentrating entirely on posting rather than watching the pumas whilst wearing my "Las malvinas son Argentinas" tee shirt.[:P]

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[quote user="LAiffricaine"]Oi ! Never mind that. We woz there first us from St Malo [:P]  Anyhow as of today, after valiant battles on the rugby fields, both the Argies and the Brits can lick their wounds together [;-)][/quote]

Oi you yourself!  They are NOT Brits, they are ENGLISH!

The Welsh are in with a very good chance of the cup, thanks![:D]

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[quote user="powerdesal"]Malvinas ????????? Where are they???? You couldn't possibly mean the Falkland Islands, because they are British, never have been Argentine territory, nor ever will be.[/quote]


The french call the Falklands, les Malouines, and as l'affricaine said, after the sailors from St Malo.

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[quote user="idun"]

[quote user="powerdesal"]Malvinas ????????? Where are they???? You couldn't possibly mean the Falkland Islands, because they are British, never have been Argentine territory, nor ever will be.[/quote]


The french call the Falklands, les Malouines, and as l'affricaine said, after the sailors from St Malo.


And the dutch.[:)]

Le hollandais Sebald Van Weert y accosta en 1600 et lui donna le nom d' "îles Sebald", encore utilisé par les néerlandais.

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