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Cod liver oil


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I have seen capsules, but not bottles.


I found this but it is absurdly expensive


On the other hand I can buy  a small tin of 'foie de morue' in my Local Monoprix


for 1.69€...

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[quote user="nectarine"]Huile de foie de morue? And where might I buy this (in pourable oil, rather than capsules?). [/quote]

You can buy it here in pouring form. Cost of postage is £2 to France for any size order. They also have a French site ... but they don't sell l'huile de foie de morue on it for some reason !

Sue [:)]

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ah, good question. Well I'm recovering from a bout of flu which has knocked the stuffing out of me, so looked over my vitamin regime. My Italian mother used to say that you couldn't survive winter without copious helpings of spaghetti, fresh tomatoes and garlic, and a daily teaspoon of cod liver oil. Which she inflicted on us but, heck, my brother and I were the healthiest kids in the class or even school.

Whether due to the garlic, or the cod liver oil, I don't know, but having taken a pasting from this virus I'm turning back to her 1950s wisdom!
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"Whether due to the garlic, or the cod liver oil, I don't know, but

having taken a pasting from this virus I'm turning back to her 1950s


Cod liver oil was given to many children in the 1950s, I think it was issued free. I am sure we had a spoonful a day and then a spoonful of Malt afterwards to take the taste away.

Ah, those were the days!

Get well soon.[:)]

Wouldn't capsules be just as good and easier to manage?

edit: I take one cod liver oil capsule per day as prescribed by my hospital consultant, no ill effects so far[;-)]

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[quote user="NormanH"]I can confirm your memories Cendrillon.


I remember the daily dose of cod liver oil. Vile, but I guess it helped.  I don't remember ever being ill in those days either but I think it was down to the fact that there wasn't central heating and we were raised 'tough'.


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I'd prefer to take my oil loose, so that I can mix it with orange juice to taste, which I think aids the digestion of it.

I read on a health website a few days ago that a test group of schoolchildren were given codliver oil over a few weeks, and that there were noticeable and improved results in attention, behaviour and learning. I sometimes wonder if some children's problems are not just due to bad parenting, no discipline, etc., but also that there might be a factor of malnourishment as well.

But back to health. Are there any post-flu remedies that work for you? I've been quite knocked out by this and while the flu has gone, I've felt weak as a kitten. Not had flu for 15-20 years or so and don't remember it wiping me out like this.

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[quote user="nectarine"]... My Italian mother used to say that you couldn't survive winter without copious helpings of spaghetti, fresh tomatoes and garlic, and a daily teaspoon of cod liver oil...[/quote]

My (not Italian) mother would give us a yearly "internal" spring-clean with a daily spoonful of huile de ricin - castor oil - for  a week... [+o(]

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But isn't it better just to eat a balanced diet than to take suplements and p*** them down the loo?

Nectarine: Plenty of fresh air, fresh fruit and veg' and rest when you need it (flu really does take it out of you so don't expect to bounce back as from a cold.)  If you want fish oil - eat oily fish!

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I also had flu in October - really knocked me about, and I also had bronchitis - first time ever. I find I'm still having trouble when sitting near anyone smoking; lots of coughing takes over. It took me until Christmas to feel I was getting back to normal, and into the new year to feel really healthy -just to be hit by gastro enteritis within 36 hours of arriving back in the Gard; we were told there was an epidemic of it at the time. After that I think all the nasty little bugs were hit on the head by the freezing weather, as I've felt fine since throwing that off. I'm normally pretty healthy, but those 3 were rather nasty, especially coming one after another.

I too remember taking a spoonful of cod liver oil each day as a child, followed by a spoonful of malt - delicious (the second spoonful, not the first!) My diet is pretty healthy, with lots of fruit and veg, some oily fish etc - but also take a multivit and oil capsule daily; the oil capsule is also recommended for people like me who have developed creaky joints over the years.

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="Cendrillon"]but some people actually do need to take extra cod liver oil as well

[/quote]Yes, but how do you know you're one of the some people or just a con-ee?[/quote]

Ah well, in my case it is on good advice from my consultant who has made an in depth study of my blood !!! [blink]( I think I am secretly supplying the local blood bank[:-))]) otherwise I wouldn't have thought of taking the capsules.

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"I too remember taking a spoonful of cod liver oil each day as a child, followed by a spoonful of malt - delicious (the second spoonful, not the first!)"

G.G. I think all this was supplied by NHS and didn't we have that sweet orange juice as well that was then diluted with water. I really liked that.[:)]

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[quote user="Cendrillon"][quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="Cendrillon"]but some people actually do need to take extra cod liver oil as well
[/quote]Yes, but how do you know you're one of the some people or just a con-ee?[/quote]

Ah well, in my case it is on good advice from my consultant who has made an in depth study of my blood !!! ( think I am secretly supplying the local blood bank) otherwise I wouldn't have thought of taking the capsules.
[/quote]I too have taken suplements post blood tests (potassium in my case).  What bothers me are those who stuff themselves with supplements without taking good (as opposed to quack) advice first.  Not that I could imagine fish oil being in any way dangerous!
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[quote user="Cendrillon"]

"I too remember taking a spoonful of cod liver oil each day as a child, followed by a spoonful of malt - delicious (the second spoonful, not the first!)"

G.G. I think all this was supplied by NHS and didn't we have that sweet orange juice as well that was then diluted with water. I really liked that.[:)]


Yes, I remember that sweet orange juice too! Tooth-rotting, too I would think!

About cod liver oil not being bad to take - I know polar bear liver is very bad to eat; apparently the amount of vitamin A in it can kill a person!   [:(]

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