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Not so sloe gin

Pierre ZFP

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This year, my normally prolific sloe bush did not produce one sloe, or if it did the birds or someone got there first.  I usually make a couple of bottles a year in advance but last years stash has mostly gone so I thought, what about cranberries?

This is what I did

2 bottles of cheap gin (well I suppose you could use Bombay Sapphire but a bit of a waste, I got Aldi's gin at €4.99 a bottle))

200g fresh cranberries

200g sugar

100ml water

Gently boil the cranberries, sugar and water in a pan for 5 - 10 minutes until the berries are soft but still intact, allow to cool a little.

Pour about a third of each gin bottle into another clean bottle (DO NOT DRINK THIS GIN YET!!!)

Put half the mixture into each gin bottle and top up as necessary with the gin you poured off.

The result should be a deep ruby red colour, put the tops on and stored in a cool dark place

NOW you can drink the surplus gin [B]

I did have a little taste of the stuff I made and it is very pleasant, I think it will improve with age but that will probably only be as long as Christmas this year [:$]

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We've used other berries, with some success. And mint leaves too once, which went an awful colour as we didn't put it in a 'red' bottle.


None made for a couple of years as we have lots of bottles left. I don't drink it and OH forgets we have it.[:D] However, if he remembers he likes it on vanilla ice cream.[Www]

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Pierre, does it have to be FRESH cranberries?

I think I can get frozen and I always have dried ones for making cakes.

I'd like to have a go though I seem to have lost my taste for gin.

Talking about gin, here is a remedy for arthritic pains.

Take golden raisins (got to be golden but I don't know why) and put in a shallow dish.  Pour in a good measure of gin which will soak the raisins.  Leave for as long as it takes for all the gin to be absorbed or evaporated.  I just leave the dish uncovered.  Then take 9 raisins a day.

Now don't ask me about the dosage or whats, whys, etc.  By all accounts, it works well.  OH has been on this stuff for a few months now and he says his pains are less.  Similar story from a few other people who have tried it.

I can't give a personal testimony, being MUCH too young to suffer arthritic pains....[8-|]

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I don't see why frozen cranberries (or dried even) wouldn't work.  I just saw fresh ones and went for it!

You can't be to young for arthritus, I remember a lecturer at university who had to give up because all his joints seized up.  Must have been incredibly painful and he was only 30 !

Thank you for your raisin tip, I will pass it on  to my OH who is having problems with knees and hands at the moment

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Yes, Pierre, do get your OH to try it.

The French teacher's husband, who has suffered with pains for years, now feels able to move about a lot better.

The best thing is, unlike conventional medication, this has no side effects; unless of course if you count addiction to gin-soaked raisins.

But don't forget there is no gin left when the raisins are ready (disappointingly!)

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I betchya that I could still taste the gin[:D]. You have reminded me of some medicine that the GP gave me years ago before I left for France, probably a cough medicine and the next time I saw the Dr, I complained bitterly that it had been foul and tasted of gin. Which quite amused him.


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[quote user="idun"]

I betchya that I could still taste the gin[:D]. You have reminded me of some medicine that the GP gave me years ago before I left for France, probably a cough medicine and the next time I saw the Dr, I complained bitterly that it had been foul and tasted of gin. Which quite amused him.



Gin and bitters?  Hmm, don't know, some might like it?[I]

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Today I received the newsletter from my favourite pub venue for lunches - a bit pricey but really excellent cooking. Amongst the various news items was this timely note:

Sloe Gin


spinosa have been scarce this year, thankfully we had just enough

berries to brew our 2012 vintage sloe gin. Did you know it takes us two

years to concoct this delicious liqueur? One year macerating the fruit

with sugar and one year maturing in the bottle. The 2010 vintage is for

sale on the bar. Why not try a glass next time you are in for a meal. We

also have a limited quantity of bottles ready to take home for extra

special customers. Just ask us next time you are in to check if we have

any left.

I'm not a fan of any gin, but their sloe gin is just delicious! I'm hoping there will be a bottle waiting for me when we eat there on 23rd.  If not, I'll have to have it by the glass in the pub!

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[quote user="powerdesal"]Sorry GG, no sloe gin on the 23rd, have you forgotten that the World ends on the 21st !!!!!!!!![/quote]

Oh dear, powerdesal! I quite forgot, and I also must have got hold of the wrong date, as I'd heard it was meant to be later than 12th. But not as wrong as someone else - when I bought my eggs in the market yesterday, the egg man informed me that the world was due to end at 12.00 yesterday. I told him I'd heard it was meant to be 22nd, and another customer backed me up. I then asked if the eggs were going to be free, as he would still be at the market at 12.00, so wouldn't get the chance to do anything with the money. He didn't take me up on it! Just as well, isn't it - he would have gone home with empty pockets!

Apparently we won't get another symmetrical date like yesterday's until next century; yesterday was 12.12.12. Next century there will be 01/01/01. Apparently places around the world planned events specially for the symmetrical date; I heard that clowns were to go around a town in Holland, to make people smile, and that gurus in India were urging the world to take up meditation. Me ? I went out for a lovely lunch with our French group, with champagne due to be served at 12.00.

I almost didn't make it to 12.00 in one piece! A car stopped to let us cross the road to the restaurant, but as I took my first couple of steps onto the crossing, another car smashed into the back of it, and I was almost hit as the car was pushed forward onto the crossing! I don't think I tasted that champagne - it went straight down in one swallow! 

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

GG, I heaved a sigh of relief that you didn't get hit by the car!

BTW does anyone on the Forum live near Bugarach where everyone had to go in order to be saved from the apocalypse?

If interested google Bugarach.....[:)]


Thanks, Sweet, it was a shock at the time, but I was fine!

I heard a chap on R4 this morning who was said to be a Mayan expert. He said that the Mayans didn't see this 21st December as the end of the world in any way, it was just the end of the next period of time, called a baktun, which didn't mean the end of everything, just another beginning  - rather like with our car mileometers, which just carry on and go back to zero and start counting from one again.

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Hey, guys, this is what I intend to do.  Use my dried cranberries for making the sloe/cranberry gin then, once I have fished out the cranberries and they are trempés in gin, I put them into a cake or muffins and have alcohol-soused cake to eat [:D]
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