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Filo Pastry


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I absolutely adore kouign amann and those that old blue eyes made looked nothing like the real thing one gets in bakeries in Brittany.

It isn't that much different to make as making croissants, a yeast base dough and then the butter layered onto the rolled out dough and folded and left to rest/rise.  There are loads of recipes, I did not like the look of those that they made last night, the finish didn't looked caramelised enough, which I am sure it should be.

I think I am going to have to make one. [:D]

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I've only just caught up with this thread but to answer to the OP's question, the only filo pastry I can buy here (65, near the border with 32) comes in rectangular sheets, sold rolled up in a pack.  I buy it at our small local Carrefour  as the SuperU hypermarket doesn't stock filo at all, only brick.  The filo is made by Croustipate (http://www.croustipate.com) and an unopened pack seems to freeze quite well too.


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Firstly a Kouign Amann is deliciously buttery and sugary, but not over sweet and should always be eaten warm.

I have no idea how old blue eyes makes his, but I know what a good kouign Amann tastes like and looks like. His looked wrong and perhaps tasted wrong too.

I'm not always impressed with MB's recipes either.

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