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Anyone got a recipe please?


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You wont need to add salt.. just some pepper.

Cut skin in cris-cross.  fry skin side down in frying pan.  Turn over, 10 mins in oven.  wait 10mins... warm in pan for 30sec if not hot enough.

Personally, I prefer non seasoned as there is more blood and more distinct 'cuisson(rare/med rare etc)'. 

The pre-seasoned is however slightly less time to cook.

Eitherway, you cant go wrong with duck....

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That changes quite alot.... I have never seen a magret without skin.

In that case I would either ;

1) cut into cubes and add to a stirfry... with some staranise if you like.

2) cut into thin strips and fry, griddle, barbque

3) Fry on a very high heat for 30secs each side and then in the over for 10mins... rest 10mins

I dont think 'cook like a steak' will work as it may be too think and will have to be severd very bloody..

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[quote user="Pommier"]Thanks for the help. It's got no skin or fat, so I'll treat it like steak (tasting for saltiness first if I dare!)[/quote]

NO skin and NO fat???!!!

I have never seen such a product before!

Well, you are now on your own, Pommier.  Perhaps cook it with some of your own apples, gently stewed?[:P]

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That isnt cheap, well maybe for Leclerc it is, I buy mine at Lidl in the packs of 3 for €9.99 per kg no faffing around with cards, I refuse to use them any more as I became worried I might end up in prison, whatever card I gained points on the shop found a way to gleefully tell me that they had expired, could not be transferred to their new card, it was not the right minute of the right hour of the right day of the week to redeem them etc.

I would not want to cook magret without the skin.

I bought a whole frozen duck in Lidl in the UK, it was £6.99 and weighed 2.6kg, being the maniaque that I am I boned it to see the net weight, just over half so much better value than the magrets in France and the bulk of its mass was breast meat, I didnt stuff it but just plumped it up and cooked it in my halogen oven and it was sublime, recommended.

And you get a good 500ml + of oïl to use in the workshop [;-)]

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I know my memory is failing but I recall clearly that mine came from the freezer section at Lidl in the UK. [:P]

Much cheaper per kg than even the battery farm chickens, funny how the English dont take to duck and the whole ones are priced accordingly, its the same for horse meat but that is harder to find.

Nonetheless the magrets are very expensive in the UK.

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[quote user="Théière"]Crispy duck with pancakes, hoi sin sauce and spring onion, Hmm the best way to enjoy duck! [;-)]


Do keep up, Teapot!  She said there was no skin and no fat so how's she going to make crispy duck.........duh?

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Chancer, it was cheap because it worked out at about €8 for 1.2kg (cash back on Leclerc's fidelity card is spendable next day)

When I opened one of the vacuum packs, there were two duck breasts. I chickened out (!!) of doing anything complicated, so just washed, dried, floured, sealed and then braised it - and it was lovely; not salty and really tasty and tender.
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